OpinionSeptember 26, 1998
SURELY KENNETH Starr and the Republican Congress must have a sick and perverted mind to work so hard to put this garbage on the Internet so that every grade-school student has access to it. I have a 10-year-old great-grandson who is very knowledgeable with computers, and I have no desire for him to be exposed to such garbage. ...

Garbage on Internet

SURELY KENNETH Starr and the Republican Congress must have a sick and perverted mind to work so hard to put this garbage on the Internet so that every grade-school student has access to it. I have a 10-year-old great-grandson who is very knowledgeable with computers, and I have no desire for him to be exposed to such garbage. John Ashcroft, Kit Bond and Jo Ann Emerson must be in the same class as Starr to sanction such garbage,. They have just lost my vote. I am 85 years old and have seen many things in our nation that are very distasteful -- F.D.R., Eisenhower, John Kennedy -- but we never drew our children's attention to them. I am not defending what Clinton did. It was wrong. He has said what he did was wrong. In all my years I have never known of anyone having sex alone. Where is the consenting partner in all this? In all this episode she is just as guilty as Bill Clinton. She knew what she wanted and went after it in the only way she knew: with her body. Never has she admitted any wrongdoing. She certainly owes Hillary an apology.

History of trouble

OUR COUNTRY'S in trouble when we have people blaming a 21-year-old employee of the White House for getting our president in this mess. This isn't the first time this sex pervert has done this. He has been in this trouble his whole life: sex, lying and deceit. He isn't just a man who cheats on his wife, a woman who cares only for prestige and position. Any normal or decent woman would have sent him packing years ago. This is a person who is elected to lead our country, to be a role model for trust, honor and a country that's supposed to be a nation under God.

Questions about merger

IT SEEMS to me that by merging the two hospitals in the manner that's discussed so far, all they've done is remove the citizens' right to choose which hospital they want to go to. The other thing that bothers me is the fact that they have said we'll keep two administrators. What for if it's a merged operation?

President was persecuted

I WOULD just like to comment on President Clinton's testimony that's been broadcast on TV. I am a voting Republican and consider myself a Republican. I just feel as though President Clinton very definitely has been persecuted in the news media, and I've never voted for the man and never would even if he could run again. But they've delved into his private life in a way these tapes made very evident. I can't help but feel that most of the American people are going to see it that way, and I think if the Republicans thought they could gain some sort of advantage through this, they were wrong. All it did to me was make me understand that, if the president of the United States can be persecuted in that manner on national television, anyone in the United States should never feel that he is above or beyond persecution by the United States government, whether it's through his private life or through his business life. And I just feel like they very much overstepped the bounds at this point.

Believe the president

IF THE release of the tape was Starr's big gun, give me a break. And why is what Monica says true and what the president says is a lie? I would believe our president over Monica.

His life is private

I LOOKED at the grand jury questioning President Clinton. They must be hard of hearing because I heard the same thing four times. To me, it was all about his private life. Ken Starr ought to be tried for invasion of privacy of President Clinton. It's none of Starr's or anyone else's business what Clinton does with his private life. The Republicans have been trying to ruin the Democratic Party and President Clinton's life from day one. I think he is doing a great job for the country. So why can't they just leave him alone? In the White House, the Republicans and Democrats act like a bunch of kids, especially the Republicans. They think they ought to take half the country and act together. The Republicans think they are always right. They are usually for the rich anyway.

Urge resignation

FOR THE sake of the Democratic Party, Clinton must resign. Nothing else will satisfy us. Please, everyone, call your congressmen and senators and urge them to force Clinton to resign.

Too much hatred

I THINK it's a shame, the hatred that's in people's heart when it's God who is supposed to be the one who punishes him, not us. He's going to have to pay for his sin, and putting it all over TV and on the news broadcast the way they have done, I think that's a sin. There is so much hatred in this world. If God doesn't punish the United States of America, I will be surprised with all the hatred that is going on.

Looked like a liar

IF WILLIAM Jefferson Clinton had been one of my boys and offered that explanation on that tape trying to get out of what he did, they wouldn't have got to first base. They would have got the belt. That was a poor excuse. You could see right through him. My grandson said he could tell he was lying, and he's 6 years old. What a shame. Impeach the man. He's a disgrace to America.

Can't remember

BILL CLINTON has his tail in a crack. He's a liar, and he knows it, He is anything but presidential material. When will the entire country wake up to that fact? This investigation has left him unable to lose, unfit to serve, because he said himself that now he simply can't remember anything. If he can't remember, he is certainly unable to lead this country.

No respect for anyone

DO THEY know when they put that tape on the TV and all the news and everything, what do you think is going to happen to Clinton's child? Isn't that sad to think that she has to hear all that stuff about her father? There is no respect for anybody in this world, not even a child or his wife. And I think that is a sin. I hope God punishes the one who wanted it on there.

Careless pedestrians

ON THE parking lots of the Cape Girardeau stores we have several young adults who will walk in front of cars without looking, walk behind the cars knowing they are backing out. They also let their young children run ahead of them when cars are backing out. If you get too close to them without seeing them, they will bang on your car, curse you out or show their great intelligence by giving you their famous one finger. I have even been told that they are pedestrians and can walk anywhere they please along with their famous profanity. Don't these people realize pedestrians only have exclusive rights in the walkway or the crosswalks? It is hard to see toddlers behind your car.

In the record book

I ACTUALLY looked in the Guinness Book of World Records to see if they showed a category for lying, best liar or biggest liar. Unfortunately they didn't have one, but I'd like to nominate someone.

Sexual blackmail?

THE THING that worries me so much about President Clinton keeping the presidency is I'm afraid that many of these foreign countries have set him up with women as he has traveled or even in Washington that they can nail him into any concession they want. At this point, they know and he knows that people would believe anything sexual about him and maybe his loyal defenders in the Democratic Party, but most rational Americans would believe the worst after he has done and the lies that he's told. Mr. President, please resign and spare us this worry.

Handle with care

I'VE HEARD all about these vicious prosecutors and Ken Starr. I thought they would at least get a little tough on the president, but looking at the tapes they were more careful with him than a premature baby.

Time for the hypocrites

WELL, EVERYBODY'S seen it now, and it's time for all the bigots and the hypocrites to come out and show their true colors. And they'll do it through Speak Out. They can't stand him. They can't take him. All I can say is, good luck, everybody.

No change

THE CLINTON videotape testimony does no good. Clinton supporters still think he's doing a good job in office, while those who thought he was a scumbag before think he's a bigger scumbag now.

It's just not right

MY FAMILY was watching a TV program called "Caroline in the City." It's a funny, cute show with funny, cute characters, and it's bad. Caroline has the hots for Richard and Richard is married. Caroline is so cute and she's worrying about all the situation ethics of whether or not she should have sex with Richard, and Richard's in love with Caroline but he's married. And they're always trying to figure out what they should do next. But ethics don't change with a situation. Unmarried men should not go over to another lady's house, hug and kiss her and fall in love with her. That is evil. A lady should not hug and kiss and come on to a married man. That is evil. This show is trying to make it cute and funny to work with situation ethics when in fact it is wrong.

No hope for morality

IF THIS manipulative, legalistic twister of the truth Clinton is not impeached, there is no hope for morality in America. He will take the country down to his level of immorality, and that would be our demise. Congress, impeach this forked-tongue Clinton.

What should clergy do?

WHAT DO our priests, rabbis, and ministers do now? Do they sit back and do nothing because it's OK to throw stones at Clinton for his adultery? Do they accept the conduct of Tripp, Starr, the grand jury, the news media, now congressional promotional smut? What do they say to a congregation when there's a good chance 60 to 100 percent ran to hear the little details of an act of adultery? For centuries we've been told not to involve ourselves in pornography. Our ministers have a nation wallowing in pornography distributed by the news media and this Congress. Adultery is against God's commandments. Providing pornography for our citizens to get votes is raw politics.

Too many pitfalls

THE MERGER of Southeast Missouri and St. Francis hospitals has too many pitfalls for the best interest of future patients. I had a visitor from Danville, Ill., last week who read an article regarding the merger in the Southeast Missourian and related to me the merger of two very good hospitals in Danville. After the merger there, the hospitals there became so bad that most who would be patients now go to good hospitals in Champaign, Ill., I was told. I think a lot more exploration of small-town hospital mergers elsewhere is in order before the Cape Girardeau hospitals merge. A much more thorough study should be made before a conclusion is reached. I also question the $44 million savings. That can only be achieved by cutting services. Please enumerate where that savings can come from and be specific.

Nurse's view of merger

THIS IS in reference to the hospital merger. When a hospital talks of freezes or cutbacks, the first to get hit is patient care. The nursing staff cannot legally, physically or emotionally accept cuts in this area. Patients are barely stabilized in intensive care or recovered before they are sent to acute care, then within 48 to 72 hours they are transferred to skilled or rehab. The criteria to meet discharge from any of these areas is constantly scrutinized. Times have changed. Nurses in acute care are now caring for patients who once were in intensive care, or skilled and rehab nurses are caring for patients who were on acute care. But the acuity of a patient is no longer considered with staffing needs. Nurses must work at lunch periods and breaks to meet patient needs. To speak out against deplorable working conditions, the nurse is perceived as non-caring in a caring profession or is at risk of losing his or her job. If the hospitals merge, nurses must consider striking or unionizing to protect their profession and professionalism.

Must make choices

IN REFERENCE to a recent caller concerning man's natural instinct to lie: Scripture warns us repeatedly of the natural man. We're not animals controlled by and at the mercy of our own desires. Self-preservation is set aside for things such as love, respect and integrity. We've been given the gift of discernment by God. We are expected -- in fact, commanded -- to make honorable and moral choices. Scripture also promises that we'll not be tempted above that which we can resist. I'm sorry for the president. My heart broke for him when I watched him on the video, but sin carries with it a price, and repentance is only the first installment. So it's now in the hands of Congress. We should all pray they do God's will, then accept the outcome and begin the healing process.

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Promoting pornography

IF THE president broke one of the Ten Commandments, what are those people in this Christian nation who are supposed to be against pornography? What are they? Where is our objection to the promotion of pornography by our Congress, by Ken Starr?

Spreading lies

I WATCHED all of the grand jury tapes. Starr and his group lied again. They said the president had bad temper tantrums and walked off at one time. What a big lie. They sure try everything they can to turn everybody against Clinton. The president is doing a good job with the country. I guess they want the country to be in worse shape. They keep saying he lied all the time. They are spreading lies.

Pray for the sinner

IT IS not easy to confess personal sin. If it were, our places of worship would be much fuller than they are. God always accepts a repentant confession. Can we do less? As most do, I detest the sin confessed to by our president. However much I hate the sin, I must never hate the sinner. My duty is to pray for him, and so is yours.

Real hypocrites?

AMAZING. ALL of these people who have been calling in their comments about what has been going on in Washington, D.C. I wonder if any of these so-called religious people really read their Bible? It states "Do not judge not lest ye be judged." Think about it. Maybe you'll find out you're a real hypocrite.

Reaping the harvest

MANY PEOPLE are wondering what is happening to our country. My answer is America is reaping the harvest from secular humanism, putting God out of our way of life. Because of this, God's judgment is upon us, and I think it will get worse if forgiveness and repentance don't happen. I did not vote for Clinton, but I think it is wrong and sinful to slander and smear him all over the media. I did not watch his grand jury testimony, and I know many others didn't, because enough is enough and it is so evil to persecute someone like that. Congress is to blame too as they all have tried to govern our country without praying and seeking God. They caused all of this sinful mess of secular humanism, because they were against God and gave us a Soddom-and-Gomorrah society. A pastor in California said there is more sin in California than what Clinton has done, and he prayed that Clinton would become a great man of God. I feel the same way. It is possible because of our faith in Jesus Christ who wants to be our savior and friend. I'm glad the Church of God has come out for fasting and praying for Clinton and our country. We need to ask ourselves: Is there not a cause in the land to repent and pray? Have not enough stones been thrown? I pray that a spiritual revival will come to America before it's too late. I hope Clinton can serve out his remaining term.

Involve the employees

I WANT to say that I certainly agree with the person who called Speak Out who was employed by one of hospitals and said nobody asked the employees what they thought of it. I think a merger or anything else in this area is doomed to fail if they don't involve the employees. I don't know what they're so afraid of. I work at one of the hospitals. Practically my whole family does. Here in Cape Girardeau, when they announced the merger, it was a big secret. The doctors weren't told about it. The employees certainly weren't told about it. We found out it about through the media, and we got calls from people we know who work at the other hospital, Southeast, and they weren't told anything either. If this is such a good idea and we're all going to cooperate now, why are they so afraid of letting their employees know anything? I can tell you that the employees know a little bit of something about how the merger would effect health care, but we're all scared to death to say anything in person to anybody, because we'll lose our job. That's the way it's been played here for a long time.

He always gets off

I AM astounded that the American people are still upholding President Clinton. He went before the grand jury as a hostile witness, telling the grand jury what he would or would not do. He was evasive. He refused to answer. And, yes, he lied. If it were anyone else, he would have been charged with contempt of court. Ken Starr and his prosecutors were very mild with him and in no way pressed him. How can we accept his apology for his act of contrition if he still argues that he did not have sex? Someone should take him out behind the barn and explain to him what sex is. He has gotten out of everything he has ever done all of his life. Now is the time for him to face up to his own wrongdoing. He alone is responsible for this tawdry situation.

Loss-of-memory disease

WE THINK the Clinton testimony was just awful in front of the grand jury. It was so full of lies and everything else that it made us sick to even watch it. Now we even think he has another disease, besides the one we know about, called Alzheimer's, because he couldn't remember anything, could he? It even made us remember an old movie with Humphrey Bogart. I think the movie was called "The Caine Mutiny" where he kept rolling the steel balls in his hands and was very nervous too. And Clinton should be impeached. I hope so.

Remembering Hillary

AFTER HEARING the president testify he couldn't remember or he couldn't recall, it makes me wonder if he remembers that he has a wife named Hillary.

Can't have two CEOs

I WANT to know what's really happening with this merger. There can't be two CEOs, so which one is going to step down. And why and how much money will the one who steps down get to just go away? Isn't this all just a prelude to getting ready to sell the hospitals to a HMO system? I just wish our public would be more aware of what's really happening with the merger.

Go after Linda Tripp

NOW THAT the true story is coming out about your dear, sweet friend, Linda Tripp, I think you ought to be man enough or woman enough to stand up and say she ought to be thrown into a pit of the wolves and let Congress go after her. She admitted to lying on her tapes, and now you're letting her do the things that she has done to the president and Monica Lewinsky. You're just kind of sitting on your heels. You'd better get your rear in gear, because between she and Kenneth Starr and his henchmen are a real bunch of trash. They make the president look like St. George.

Scoundrel as president

80 YEARS old, and I never thought I'd ever see a scoundrel in the White House who called himself president. What a disgrace. God help us.

Emerson's record

CONGRESSWOMAN EMERSON, at the AARP meeting, they asked you why you voted for the a national right-to-work law when most states are against it. You said you were committed. Who are you committed to? Certainly not the working people. Also, I suppose you voted for the minimum wage that just recently lost in Congress that was sponsored by Senator Kennedy. We want to know, who are you committed to? You didn't say who you were committed to. Were you committed to the National Association of Manufacturers or Wall Street? You're not committed to the working men and women. That's for certain. My, my. I hope they only see this on Election Day, the minimum wage people and the union people.

Keep two hospitals

I'M SO glad some people are starting to come out against the hospital merger. For a while there I thought I was the only one. But the two hospitals in Cape are a huge asset to the community. By having two hospitals we have friendly competition, and they work hard and are each better because of it. We need to keep two good hospitals in Cape.

Don't tolerate it

LET'S JUST pray for Clinton and not judge him? Just let him go on his merry way seducing interns in our White House? Our voices are raised to let our representatives know we will not tolerate an immoral, violator of his oath, perjurer, pervert in our White House. We want him impeached and add our comments to try to obtain this constitutional right that this president is too despicable as our leader.

Job performance?

PRESIDENT CLINTON has done a good job continuing the work started by President Reagan. Adolf Hitler did a great job raising Germany from the ashes of World War I to a world power. O.J. Simpson did a great job as a player in the AFC. Some of his records still stand. Job performance is everything. Character is nothing.

There's a difference

THERE'S A difference between Henry Hyde and Bill Clinton in the fact that Henry Hyde quit having an affair and Bill Clinton continued.

Priorities are clear

THE HEADLINE says "Senate rejects the minimum wage raise." Our Mr. Ashcroft voted to kill it. Our Mr. Bond voted to kill it. Fifty-three other Republicans voted to kill it. Two Democrats voted to kill it. So right there tells where their priorities are. They're not for the working man or the poor. They're for big business like they've always been. And Mr. Ashcroft acts so religious. I think not when he would take food out of babies' mouths.

Too many skeletons

TO THE caller who asked if Newt Gingrich is going to step up to the plate and be honest: Of course he's not going to step up to the plate. He's been lying low for obvious reasons, because he knows he's got skeletons in his closets. You know, all the Republicans who have skeletons in their closets are pretty much trying to lie low because they know it's going to backfire on them. The Democrats or whoever will dig up some dirt on them. And also, for all of you Republicans who voted for Bob Dole, have you noticed that he's been just a little silent on this issue too when you know very well he would have been vocal opponent of Clinton's, wanting to impeach him? And that may be.

New city slogan

EVERY TIME I pick up Speak Out and read all these negative things about President Clinton, I think about titles when I think of Cape Girardeau, like Little Peyton Place or Harper Valley PTA or Sin City. Cape Girardeau's got everything.

Moral responsibility

I'D LIKE to make a comment in regard to all the people who are referring to the Clinton incident and talking about the morality and the moral example he is setting for children. First of all, people, it's not Clinton's responsibility to teach your children morals, it's yours. Yes, it's a shame that he has this moral weakness, but no man is without some form of weakness, some form of sin. Clinton's not the only one who's corrupting our children's morals these days. It's everything. It's society in general. It's television and all the violence that you see. It's drugs. It's everything, people. It's not just Clinton and his affairs. So get off of that. Parents are responsible for teaching their children morals, and there are going to be things that your children encounter that you don't want them to, but it's just a fact of life. At any rate, teach your children morals. Tell them what Clinton did was wrong.

A naive viewpoint

WELL, HERE I am drinking my coffee again. I'm reading all these comments in Speak Out about President Clinton being impeached. I don't think so. You've got a very naive view of our government, and all the sniveling and whining in the world isn't going to get it done. What you need to do is not worry about President Clinton but worry about the big picture like all the deductions and things in our school budgets and our tax dollars being wasted on our highway projects. I don't think you really realize what's going on around locally. What happens in the government is far beyond what we'll ever be able to comprehend. If you haven't guessed it so far, what's going to happen is what's going to happen. And by the way, the person who put the ad in the paper for the "Impeach Clinton" bumper stickers. I'll tell you what. Don't worry about him. Send me your $2, and I'll send you a bumper sticker that says "I'm an ignoramus," because you are if you buy something like that. Anyway, everybody, let's just calm down. Let's not worry about Bill Clinton. Let's worry about what's going on in our state. Just get a grip, because nothing we do, nothing we say will ever have any result in what happens in Washington, D.C.

Pick another topic

WELL, I just finished reading Speak Out, and all of the comments that were in the paper were about President Clinton. Don't you think it's about time we stop adding to feeding frenzy and start talking about something else? Come on, people, give it up.

Remember Chappaquidick?

TO THE person who thinks Henry Hyde is worse than Clinton because of his so-called inappropriate relationship, the person recommends he should resign. I suppose the very same person has also written Ted Kennedy and requested his resignation. After all, he dumped a car and a person in Chappaquidick Bay. By the way, the young lady in that car died. Please tell me who was the greatest transgressor.

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