On Friday afternoon, as is the practice of this White House, the Obama administration quietly announced that over two years of email from embattled IRS official Lois Lerner has been "lost."
So on the eve of a special Congressional investigation into the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS, we're to believe that sensitive and potentially illegal activities outlined in thousands of emails have somehow just simply vanished into thin air.
It's truly amazing how even the most staunch progressives can accept this administration's lies without question.
The playbook of this administration must be to fan the flames of controversy on so many scandals that the American public gets lost in all of the rhetoric and misdeeds.
The revelation that over 2 million Obamacare enrollees have provided inaccurate information gets lost in the swirl of lost opportunities in Iraq or ongoing questions over the release of five high-ranking terrorist from Gitmo.
It's hard to focus on the "lost" emails when thousands of illegal immigrant minors have been orchestrated by team Obama to cross our borders illegally in a backdoor amnesty push.
Too many scandals, too little time.
But the "lost" emails are important because a law was broken and someone needs to pay a price in prison.
Those of us old enough to remember can recall a similar "lost" correspondence in the Nixon administration. You'll remember how that turned out.
But technology has changed, and the White House team running this scam may be in for a surprise when some young IT child reveals the "lost" emails can indeed be found.
Corruption has been a part of the political landscape as far as anyone can remember. But the "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" corruption is distant from outright lies and distortions.
And history will record this administration as the most corrupt in our national legacy with Watergate being a far distant second.
What's truly troubling for this administration is the distinct probability that poor Lois Lerner did not act on her own to target conservative groups. It would stretch the imagination that this midlevel bureaucrat would unilaterally decide to wreak havoc on conservatives without someone above her pay grade making the final decision.
But rest assured that Ms. Lerner has been promised immunity in exchange for her silence. And hopefully, they believe, other scandals will push Lerner's crimes to the back pages.
This administration is a conservative columnist's dream. Unfortunately, it's a nightmare for the American public.
Not too long ago, a similar "computer crash" puzzled our newspaper system. Lost emails, stories, files just vanished in some cyber world of the unknown.
It took our IT guy about 5 minutes to fix the problem.
The IRS lie is about to unravel, because these guys aren't quite as smart as they think.
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