NewsDecember 24, 1996

Seventh-graders from L.J. Schultz in Cape Girardeau provide some lpoetic thoughs on Christmas and winter in this section, alsong with a few of the many groups that contributed to Toy Box and Christmas for the Elderly this year. What is Christmas? By Amy Rauls...

Seventh-graders from L.J. Schultz in Cape Girardeau provide some lpoetic thoughs on Christmas and winter in this section, alsong with a few of the many groups that contributed to Toy Box and Christmas for the Elderly this year.

What is Christmas?

By Amy Rauls

Christmas is about a baby,

a gentle little child,

Whose mother and father's temperament

was very, very mild

In the fields were shepherds

caring for their sheep,

Who saw a star so bright,

they couldn't even sleep.

The appearance of an angel,

first unto these men,

Is part of a story

told over and over again

Also, in this story

are wisemen from the East,

Who rode to this baby

on hairy, bumpy beasts.

So when you see houses

decorated you will know,

A gentle child was born

many years ago.

As the Sun Goes Down

By Marquis Brookins

As the sun goes down

And the sky loses its glow

I think about loved ones

As I draw in the snow

They are off in the house

And the fire's aglow

Everything outside is dark

But Santa brings his magical spark

Santa glides through the sky

On his spectacular flight

He is saying,

"Merry Christmas to all

And to all a good night."

Christmas is Wonderful

By Trevor Blattner

Christmas is wonderful,

Christmas is grand,

Christmas is the time for a happy land,

Christmas is green,

Christmas is red,

Christmas puts joy in everyone's head

Christmas is pretty,

Christmas is bright,

I just can't wait until Christmas night.

Santa Claus

By Cameron Bennett

Santa is my favorite part of Christmas.

He symbolizes happiness and cheer.

His special gift of love,

Comes only once a year.

It takes all year to make the presents,

That ares specially delivered by reindeer.

Is this the special gift of magic

that spreads everywhere?

Christmas Time

By Amber Elaine Smith

Every kid is full of joy,

For Christmas time's a time for toys,

Houses are full of lights,

People's spirits are bright,

Everyone does right,

There's never crime,

At Christmas time.

Christmas Anticipation

By Bryan Crain

Christmas is fun.

People on the run.

Carols to sing.

Presents to bring.

In honor of the Holy one.

Bright lights can be seen

on Christmas trees so green.

Children waiting,


what Santa Claus will bring.


By Natalie Arnzen

There is hardly a bird in sight,

Darkness comes early, thus starts the night.

A time when snow falls,

and ice chills our bodies,

A good time to stay inside

and work on our hobbies.

A log by the fire and

flames that glow,

A cup of hot cocoa goes

nicely with snow.

An evergreen tree every now and then,

To remind us that spring

will come again.


By Abbie Leming

When I think of Rudolph I think of ...

Red nose shining brightly.

Using his bright nose to guide the sleigh.

Doing a good deed for Santa.

Other reindeer calling him names.

Loving what he is doing.

People getting presents because of his help.

Happiness flying through the air.


By Matt Gile

When you feel

The cold, chilled air,

And you see

The trees are bare,

You might be happy,

Because you know,

It won't be long

'Till you get snow.

Holiday Spirit

By Dane Lincoln

After Thanksgiving, and during the Holiday Season;

Look past the gaudy neon signs;

Ignore the toy catalogs with the coupons;

The toy commercials, stating they have the best prices in town;

And the infomercials blaring from every radio,

Know the real meaning of Christmas,

The child born of the name Jesus Christ.

Remember Why...

By F.J. Tanksley

Christmas is coming

Carolers are humming

In your time of joy

Don't forget the little boy

Who was birthed on this night

So that our life might be bright

In this day

Most people delay

To remember

Why we celebrate December.


By Jessica Ham

Christmas is the best time of year

I'm just so glad it's finally here.

There's Christmas trees left and right,

The decorations are out of sight,

The presents are wrapped so tight and well,

I always have to shake or smell.

Christmas is just so bright and gay,

I wish we had it every day.

Christmas Time

By Katie Cole

Christmas time is filled with love,

When you see a turtle dove,

Night after night of waiting and hoping,

Parents get tired of children moping,

Late at night when parents are in bed,

Children are dreaming of visions in their head,

Later when Christmas arrived,

The parents are glad that they survived.


By Jessica Layman

Cake and cookies,

Happy faces,

Rushing to do last-minute shopping,

Inside small cozy houses,

Santa Claus on his way,

The children leaving cookies and milk out for Santa,

Mothers and Fathers tucking kids in bed,

And stockings hanging on the mantle,

Santa and his reindeer finally arrive!

What I Want For Christmas

By Ashley Foutch

For Christmas I want a coat,

or maybe even a boat.

Maybe I could get some shoes,

or even go on a cruise.

Christmas time is very near,

there are lots of things I want this year.

I hope I get more than one present,

to make my Christmas very pleasant.

A Christmas Journey

By Bryan Lowell

Oh, tonight is Christmas Eve

When jolly Santa will surely leave

Journeying from city to city

To deliver presents for you and me.

Reindeer landing light as a feather

Even in the snowy weather

Sliding down the chimneys without a peep

Careful not to wake those asleep.

Stuffing stockings full of treats

Yearning for cookies that he will eat

Leaving presents under trees so bright

Singing merry Christmas and to all a good night.

Christmas Eve

By Tyler Wibbenmeyer

Children sleep, waiting for Christmas Day,

Hung by the chimney are stockings,

Rosy checks of Santa appear.

In the family room he

Sets presents by the

Tree of pine.

Merry is he,

Away he flies in his sleigh,

Soon Santa is gone from sight.

It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

By Sharron Hooker

It came upon a midnight clear,

That Santa came with all his reindeer.

Lots of candy and lots of toys,

For all good girls and all the good boys.

It came upon a midnight clear,

That we should have a good year.

And as Santa always said,

You children should be in bed.

For it you do not,

You will get caught.

So let this be a lesson to you,

Please, please, don't be blue.

Merry Christmas To All,

And To All A Good Night!

I Remember

By Barbara Gesellschap

I remember the Christmas,

When I opened by Gifts.

The air filled with love

As my dog gave a kiss.

I remember the Christmas,

When I got a bad shirt.

I thought to myself,

"I'd rather have dirt."

I remember my dad,

The look on his face.

His eyes were surprised,

as he got, a shoelace?

I remember all I can,

From Christmases past.

I'm so glad I do,

For they all run so fast.

One By One

By Jessica Hodge

One lonely little snowflake

comes floating to the ground.

We watch it fall so graceful,

landing without a sound.

On and one the snowflakes fall,

until they measure at least an inch.

We roll it into three big balls.

that part was a cinch.

Stacking one on top of the other,

a new friend we had made.

With a little wish and magic,

maybe one day he will come to our aid.

Christmas Time

By Rebecca Jo Bell

Christmas is the time of year,

When reindeer fly and snow is near.

"Merry Christmas" we yelled

As the clock struck twelve.

We went to bed with

visions of sugar plums

dancing through our heads.

We woke up at six and

to our surprise

there stood Santa with

a twinkle in his eye.

"Merry Christmas" he said

in a dash he was gone.

Tomorrow will be a

new day at the

crack of dawn.

Santa's Last Stop

By Eric Lynch

I was asleep in bed

Resting my head

Until Santa came along.

He weighted 800 pounds.

But the roof wasn't sound

So he fell to the ground.

I heard a thud

When he fell in the mud

That sounded like a Scud.

Santa's plight

Was quite a sight

On that Christmas Even night.

Santa got up with a hop.

"Good thing this was the last stop."

What is Christmas?

By Erica Ayers

What is Christmas, do you know?

Christmas is lights,

Christmas is snow.

What is Christmas, do you feel it?

Christmas is cold,

Christmas is frostbite.

What is Christmas, do you see?

Christmas is presents,

Christmas is family.

What is Christmas?

Christmas is Love.


By Tammy Henson

As I wake up in the morning,

A chill sweeps across my face,

Tickling my neck.

The sound of gentle voices

Fills my ears. Then, I hear

The rustling of paper.

What do I see? My family

Gathered in a circle on the

Floor. I opened my mouth to

Ask them what they were doing,

but I shut it immediately.

It's Christmas.


By Lance Ruebel

Like a rainbow it comes and goes,

The bright colorful lights and shiny nose.

It's the season of holiday cheer,

With it peace and love draws people near.

Packages beautifully wrapped,

Imaginations of money, games and logo caps.

With the spirit within our hearts,

The fun begins with shopping carts.

Fill them up with presents, for your friends,

Remember what you give comes from within.

The rainbow fades as snow begins to fall,

So enjoy the moment today, with a special holiday call.

By Becky Randolph

Christmas time is coming near

Some children are starting to fear

That old St. Nick

Might give them a stick.

But to their surprise,

Santa arrives

With many toys

For every little girl and boy

But soon they will find out

And start to pout

Then out of nowhere Christmas has passed

And all the children will start to gasp

That Christmas time is done

But they will say, "We'll still have fun."

My Idea of Christmas

By Monica Leible

I love the way my family celebrates Christmas.

All the baking and the thick warm smells coming from the kitchen.

All the cakes and pie making and knowing love is near.

It warms everyone's hearts with joy and happiness,

knowing that you will get to see old relatives, and have everyone near.

You hear laughter and people bustling around,

You see people and hugs.

That's my idea of Christmas.

Christmas Surprise

By Sarah Abercrombie

I wake up on this Christmas morn,

Dream forgotten and not forlorn.

I look outside at the freezing cold,

And inside at the warmth like gold.

Charging downstairs, the tree in sight,

Forgetting about the wintry night.

I think the presents are all for me,

In runs my sister with just as much glee.

She peers under the tree but I pull her back,

Hearing something growling with eyes jet black.

We yell for Dad who runs over in shock,

As our sweet little puppy crawls out with a sock.


By Lexi Harper

Christmas time is near

My favorite time of the year

We will have lots of fun

When all the shopping is done

Santa is coming, upon his red sled

If I were you, I'd get in bed

For Christmas time is near

My favorite time of the year.


By Keri Lungwitz

Christmas time again is here

All the kids are full with cheer

When the snow falls on the ground

You see kids all around.

The time has come to open presents

And feel the warmth of Godly essence.

After Christmas time is over

The new year presents us with a new cover.

The Gift

By Sylvia Austin

Here's a gift to you from me

It's a gift you can't put under a tree.

It's wrapped and packed

Just waiting for you

This gift is fit for two.


By Lainie Bohnsack

The wind whistled around the trees,

And you could hear the creek

Trickling around the rocks.

The stars were glistening in the moonlight

And in the distance you could hear

Coyotes howling and crickets chirping.

The cool night air stung my face,

And nipped at my toes

The feeling of Christmas is here.

Snow Comes and Goes

By Trisha Klipfel

Of course snow comes every year,

Who would she a single tear?

We bundle up and play it safe,

A snowball war comes to place.

We throw for hours fight, fight, fight,

Until we say nighty night.

The next morning I wake with a yawn,

And notice all of the snow is gone!

It melted away, far from here,

Now I shed my single tear.


By Marsha Weibrecht

Since Christmas Day is almost here

I must await the holiday cheer.

So many boxes under the tree

I cannot wait to see what's for me.

Quietly I awake on Christmas Eve night

Hopefully no one else is in sight.

I sneak in the living room happy with glee

I realize I must check under the tree

To find out exactly what's going to be given to me.

I slowly start to unwrap the box,

But then someone knocks.

Could it be Santa? runs through my head,

Upon the roof with toys in his sled.

Maybe it could, but maybe not so

I run outside and it begins to snow

It is cold and wintry, too

When Santa isn't there I begin to feel blue

On Christmas Day morn mom takes me to the mall

and then I see him the greatest of all!

Christmas Weather

By Markale Boyce

Can you, can't you feel the wind

Bouncing off your freezing chin?

The wind is blowing and of course it's snowing,


Why don't you come on in?


By Chauntel Warner

As all twelve elves started putting

Toys on the shelves, the snow started

To flow, the stockings started talking.

I could then see all the trees. You

Ask what this task means.


The talk of toys among the children

And the hum of carols from my neighbor Daryl.

Christmas is near.

Christmas Night

By Amanda Kridelbaugh

On Christmas night,

The stars shine bright.

With sugar plums,

When Santa comes.

Little Rudy leads the sleigh,

In the sky across the bay.

Tiny children fast asleep,

In the night of snowy sleet.

Baby, It's Cold Outside

By Amy Hawkins

As the wind is breezin'

My feet are freezin'

It's very cold outside.

I pull my covers over my head

And snuggle real tight in my bed.

What happened to the flowers

And the leaves on the trees?

Could it be that they

Disappeared or went away

Just for the holiday?

Whatever the reason

It's the cold winter season.


By Terra Herzberger

As I lay here,

Wide awake,

I watch the fall,

Of every flake.

Drifting down,

From the sky to earth,

On this day,

Of Christ's birth.

Christmas running through my head,

As I lay here in my bed.


By Urme Ali

The wind pierces my skin with its cold

The trees seem as if they're growing old

The snow gracefully falls to the ground

Not a leaf on a tree is to be found

The ground is covered with white

Nothing for miles is in sight

Winter is here once again.

A First Grade Winter

By Austin Crowe

When will it snow?

When is Christmas?

What is in my present?

May I have some hot chocolate?

Bed time.

It snowed; it snowed!

It's too cold outside.

Give me some hot chocolate.

When is summer?

The Winter of Poems

By Allen Bottoms

All and everything has its winters.

Even the frosty trees of the beautiful forests.

They get cold and begin to tremble down and the end will come upon them.

And the fish of the deep softly rippling water. Which have only one place to go. But a home they don't quite have, so they go to the truly frost ice.

They will knock on the door in hope of a friend. Then they feel a slight chill as they wait for a warm home to sleep in, and then the end will come upon them also.

You all even will feel the chills of the winter,

But as you pass, the summer will come. Then the clouds of the winter will also feel their own chills coming upon them.

And the end of the winters of poems will soon come.

Christmas ...

By Aaron Schneider

The day that everybody waits for.

What day is the day?

Well, they say the day is the best day.

What day does the music play, lights light, fire light and all cozy?

This day is the day that the sleigh bells ring.

They say this is a special day.

This day was Jesus' day.

They say this day is Christmas day.

By Becky Komorech

There is a blanket of snow

The trees are bare

Children are smiling

Christmas is near.

Santa is busy

Making laughter and fun

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The elves along side him

Their work's almost done.

The clock is ticking

Time's almost out

Christmas is coming

Time to turn all about.

Christmas Eve is here

Time to load up the sleigh

Children are sleeping

There's no more to say.

Except to call out the names

Of all his reindeer in flight

He lifted off only to say

Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night.


By David Wallis

It was Christmas Even and I was lying in bed,

Thoughts of presents were rolling through my head.

I had asked for CDs, clothes, and games,

I only hoped that St. Nick wouldn't forget my name.

I tossed and turned in the shadows of the hall light.

Wishing that I would fall asleep and it would no longer be night.

Several times my eyes grew weak,

Pretty soon there would be presents for me to seek.

When morning came I rose with delight,

I jumped out of bed to go see the sight.

As I ran downstairs I saw the tree

Under it were all the presents St. Nick left for me.

What Brings Christmas

By Cristy Phelps

Christmas brings beautiful, light houses

Along wit mounds of snow

Cold winds are on the horizon

Jack Frost is at the window

Christmas Eve will bring

Little munchkins waiting

Waiting for their presents

Waiting for Christmas morning.

Santa's Visit

By Cody Hill

Ho, ho, ho! I heard Santa say,

It soon will be Christmas Day.

I hope he brings me presents galore.

I want Stretch Armstrong and a whole lot more!

When Santa comes down our old chimney,

He will see our beautiful, big tree.

Dear Santa, Do remember to stop by.

If you miss my house, I will surely cry!

Christmas Is Here

By Aaron Sadler

Carolers sing and shouts,

Santa's here with gifts,

Choirs give concerts,

Christmas is here.

Trees are up,

Lights light up houses,

Snow glistens in the sun,

Christmas is here.

On Christmas Morning

By Kim Pancoast

On Christmas morning when the sun comes out,

The snow is on the ground and you are up about.

You want to open presents and see all your gifts,

But your mom and dad are still sound asleep.

When your parents wake up it's about noon time,

As you sit by the tree just looking at the presents

You say to yourself I wish I were asleep.

Christmas Time

By Sarah Vogel

Christmas is a time of joy,

Every kid expecting a toy.

We drive around to see the lights;

The houses full of many sights.

We put up the tree for everyone to see

Then our presents go underneath.

Families gather around the fire,

To hear the stories of their desire.

A Christmas Poem

By Arthur Pilsner

Christmas is a time for cheer,

It is not a time for fear.

Christmas is a time for giving,

It is not a time for swimming.

Christmas is a time for caring,

It is a time for sharing.

Christmas is a time to sing,

It is a time for many things.


By Tiffany Ashby

Christmas is a time of happiness and cheer,

Thinking about the beginning of a wonderful year.

Be glad you have a little part,

In touching your mom or dad's heart.

Christmas is a time for sharing,

But also a time for caring.

Be happy the whole year through,

And hopefully Christmas will come back to you.

Christmas Time

By Chassidy Johnson

Christmas time is a time for giving,

Christmas time is a time for living.

Christmas time is a time for sharing.

Christmas time is a time for caring.

Christmas time is a yearly thing.

Christmas time is a time to sing.

Children playing,

Bells are ringing,

That's what Christmas time is bringing.


By Elliott Swoboda

Carolers sing in the street,

While the animals keep their beat.

Just like in Bethlehem,

Shepherds kneel by their lamb.

Children waiting for Santa to come.

Thinking of Christmas tunes as they hum.

Presents are going to come on Christmas Day.

But it's about listening to what people say!

Everything is ready

By Sarah Holshouser

Snow is on the ground.

Stars are in the sky.

Lights are on the house.

A wreath is on the door.

A Christmas tree is in the house.

Cookies are on the table.

Milk is in a glass,

For tonight will be in the past.


By Amanda Harris

At Christmas time I think of

Elves helping Santa make the toys,

The happy faces of girls and boys.

I think of houses decorated with lights,

And driving around looking at

The great Christmas sights.

I think of all the presents under

The tree, I wonder how many

There are under there for me.

A Christmas Poem

By Josh Zyduck

When we fall asleep on Christmas Eve,

Santa comes and brings us treats.

We enjoy them on Christmas Day,

As we run, hide, and play.

After we come in side from out,

We get a cup of hot chocolate that we drink.

Christmas is a time of year,

When everyone is full of cheer.

Christmas Is Coming

By Josh Shoulders

Christmas is coming

Snow is falling lightly

Christmas is coming

Santa is big and fat

Christmas is coming

Presents beautifully wrapped

Christmas is coming

Christmas specials on TV

Christmas is coming

Baby is born

Christmas is here

Nine Reasons to Celebrate Christmas

by Jake Garner

Christ was born.

Having family to celebrate with.

Remembering other Christmases

Icicles and snowflakes

Santa Claus

Tinsel and trees

Mother and son

Apple strudel

Stuffed stockings

That's why I celebrate Christmas

Winter Dream

By Amber Jaco

As winter comes, it brings the cold,

The snow falls and the wind blows.

On the window lays the frost,

In the cloud-filled sky, the sun is lost.

The ground is covered in glittery white,

Reflecting its beauty throughout the night.

Children dream of Christmas Day,

Thoughts of presents and Santa's sleigh.

Snowflakes drift softly to the Earth,

It is the season of our Savior's birth.

A precious gift sent from God above,

To bring us salvation with all his love.


by Michael Mercer

Christmas is about the joy that Santa brings

When you hear his sleigh bells ring.

As you sit by the fireplace

It brings a smile to your face

When you look outside you see snow

And hear the wind blow

This is what I think of on Christmas Day

And also that Jesus was born and his spirit shall stay.


By Krista Olson

Christmas time is full of cheer,

Here comes Christmas, it's almost here,

Rockin' around the Christmas tree,

It's time to celebrate, you see,

Singing songs of love and joy,

Time to remember the baby boy,

Music playing loud and clear,

Animals playing outside, look! Some deer!

Snow is falling all around because

It's Christmas Day!


By Christina Poole

Snow is falling,

can't you hear it?

Hitting the solid ground,

Falling, falling, fast and slow.

Singing a soft tune,

Singing, singing, so, so slow.

Snow is falling outside

Snow, snow, so white and cold.

Christmas Poem

By Wade Christian

Christmas is the time of year

That people spread loving cheer.

Singing in the street

Playing music to a Christmas beat.

Decorating presents with bows

What is in them, no one knows.

Most forget that this day He was born

On that cold December morn.

Christmas Comes Once a Year

By Jason Beard

Once a year, houses are lit

People give out presents and gifts

The little kids play with their toys

Big old men act like little boys

Songs are sung, food is eaten

Everyone goes home and starts sleepin'

The very next day, down come the lights

Out goes the tree, out of sight.


By Ben Stratton

Snow is white and can be packed tight;

it might melt in the light,

even though it is not bright.

It is fun the play at night

and have a snowball fight

But don't fear,

it only comes at one time each year.

Snow Flakes

By Rory Dellamano

What could be better than snow?

It's white and airy.

What could be better than snow?

It's fluffy and light.

What could be better than snow?

It's bright and cold.

What could be better than snow?

Who doesn't like snow?

Preparation for Christmas

By Andrew Elliott

Kids making wish lists.

Moms baking pies.

Dads putting up the trees.

Grandmas filling wish lists.

Firemen decorating the firehouse.

Police having a charity drive.

Christmas is coming.

I can tell by the mood.


By Bruce Smith

Christmas is a time of sharing,

When love is in the air,

When kids and parents are together,

and family everywhere.

When food is one the table,

and Christmas carols start to sing,

and when you hear the music,

church bells start to ring.

As you can see from this poem,

Christmas is the best time of the year.

It fills kids with joy and laughter

and full of cheer.


By Leslie Bollinger

Busy, busy, busy, busy,

wrapping presents, baking cookies.

Busy, busy, busy, busy,

pouring milk for Santa Claus.

Busy, busy, busy, busy,

tucking children into bed,

and kissing them on the head

and then .... it's over!

What I think of When I hear the word Christmas

By Jonathan Cunningham

Christmas is the time of giving and sharing

It is also a time of loving

Christmas is a time in which everybody comes together

It is a time that the farthest people away come together

It is a time of love and joy

It helps us celebrate the holiday season

It is a time of peace and happiness

Christmas is the only holiday that brings out the best in people

Christmas is my favorite holiday

This is what I think of when I hear the word Christmas

Christmas Day

By Erica Holshouser

Christmas is a time of celebration.

Happy are the children 'round the nation.

Rising out of bed each day,

In memory of the baby in the hay.

Starting out with opening presents,

The dinner is served and is so pleasant.

Many cries of joy

As children unwrap their favorite toy

So this is called Christmas Day.

What Christmas is About

By Patricia Celeste Welch

Christmas is about ...

Sharing and not being a Grinch,

The birth of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Christmas is also about ...

Loving and caring and giving and getting.

That is what I think

Christmas is about!

What Does Christmas Mean?

By Lindsey Hiett

Christmas means a time of getting out of school

Christmas means a time of fun and laughter

Christmas means a time of caroling

Christmas means a time of love

Christmas means a time of spending money

Christmas means a time of shopping

Christmas means a time of sharing gifts with others

But to me, Christmas really means the birth of Baby Jesus.

Christmas Is Here

By Rachel Miller

Christmas is here;

The rush of children

As school lets out for

Christmas vacation.

The crowd of parents,

Grandparents, aunts and

Uncles through the mall.

As you walk down the

Street you see parents

and their children putting

up Christmas lights,

Santas and snowmen.

But when the snow

Falls you know

Christmas is here.

Close to Christmas

By Brent Presser

It is about Christmas time.

It is going to be good.

We will think about our crime,

Because God says we should.

Trading gifts

is going on.

Our hearts will lift

and hate will be gone.

For this special time,

We think about

Caroling chimes

and gifts to get out.

Christmas Eve

Twyla Gauthier

Outside the snow is falling and the moon is shining bright,

As people drive around the town in awe of beautiful lights,

Inside the fire is burning and lights are dimmed for night,

The children lie in bed awake and wonder if they might,

Sneak into the living room and maybe steal a present or two,

And maybe open up just one, that looks like it would be some fun,

But to take that chance, they say no way,

For old St. Nick may be on his way.

And if they were caught they might get coal,

Instead of a beautiful present all wrapped up in gold.

What Christmas is All About

By Jamie Latta

Presents, food and family

Christmas novelties

Love that nose, Rudolph!

"Let's get going, Santa."

Drop the presents down the chimney

Little Jenny's dollar

John's toy truck

"The Night Before Christmas"

is recited by the fire

While sipping on eggnog

and sucking on gumdrops.

As the moon burns bright

Jenny, John, Mom and Dad

Snuggled in their beds

Until a new day arouses.

Christmas Time

By Rachel Sprigg

Christmas is coming, you'd better hurry!

Christmas is coming, shoppers scurry!

When you check-out as fast as you can,

Read the prices on the scan.

As you're quickly looking for your car,

You might remember you parked pretty far.

While you're sitting at home wrapping your presents,

Keep in mind they need to look pleasant.

After you put them under the tree,

Make yourself a cup of hot tea.

The Christmas I'll Remember

By Mark Wittenborn

We put up the tree

And throw on the lights

As we prepare

For Christmas Eve night.

We hung up the mistletoe

As my sister walked by

She thought we should kiss

But she is not a pretty sight.

When Snow Starts to Fall

By Lesley Augspurger

When snow starts to fall,

and angels sing and call,

When kids begin to carol,

and eggnog fills the barrels,

When kids start to sled,

And thoughts of Santa fill their heads.

When everyone's in good cheer,

You know that Christmas is here.


By Katelin Robinson

Christmas, snowflakes, yes it's that time of year,

When everyone wishes you good tidings and cheer

Cookies baking, fudge is making

And the turkey's basting

Kids are waking

Snow is flaking

Yes, it's that time of year

that's when you know it's here.

A White Beautiful Morning

By Steven Hodges

Awakened by glittering snow

Shining thru the window so

As beautiful as any day could go

A day anyone could like the most

With glittering snow here and there

Beautiful snow flakes everywhere

When all the trees are very bare

The most beautiful day of all.

Winter Days

By Adam Riegle

We watch as winter slowly rolls in

We feel the chilling wind tickle our chins

We watch as each day slowly passes away

As we wait for the next to begin.

It snows that night and all through the day

So we put on our boots and go out to play

We have a grand time in the snow that day

But soon the snow melts away

And we wait with joy for the very next day.

Santa Claus

By Melissa Wellman

Seasonly he comes

And jolly he always is

Never wearing a frown

To make the children sad

Always bring presents

Collectors items and all

Learning each and every name

Alone, from Albert to

Eugene and Zekeiel.

So Merry Christmas to all

And a Happy New Year.


By Tyler Zimmer

Winter is my favorite season

It is so peaceful it is snowing

The silence is beautiful.

It seems as if everything is still.

I love playing in the snow

Snowball fights are the best,

Now you know I like winter

It's the greatest.

Snow Snow

By Andrew Eaton

Oh, how it glows

Sparkly and glittery

Makes children jittery

The treetops are frosty

and my mom drinks her coffee.

I run outside

and feel a blow to my side

It was my Dad. He threw a snowball at me.

I made one myself and threw it in glee.

Snow makes me happy indeed.


By Brian Smalley

A beautiful season winter, No.

All full of snow.

Everyone so gay

asking if you want to play

Holidays of winter are many

All so good I couldn't pick any;

glowing is the Christmas tree

while three kids wait with glee.

As the kids build a snowman

the parents prepare some ham.

The feast will be gigantic

Christmas Eve will make them all frantic.

Winter Sounds

By Lauren Schaefer

Have you ever heard the

sound of a cold breeze

against the snow?

Or the crunch of the frozen

grass beneath your toes?

These sounds are so familiar

to us when winter comes,

And lost again in summer

to a busy morning hum.

Christmas Time

By Adam Tucker

Christmas Time is coming' on,

But slowly Christmas Time is gone,

Toys and games are nice to get,

But shoes and clothes won't always fit.

Friends and family come to visit,

Christmas music is nice, or is it?

Snowflakes fall onto the ground,

Soon the spring will come around.

Christmas Snowflakes

By Brittany Clark

Snowflakes fall on my nose.

It makes me cross-eyed.

As I'm making a snow angel I want to doze.

As the snow melts I sighed.

But then it came back white as ever.

It's about knee deep

It's all wonderful.

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