NewsNovember 26, 1992

The Southeast Missourian asked seventh-graders at L.J. Schultz School and St. Mary's Cathedral School and sixth- and seventh-graders at Trinity Lutheran School to write short papers describing what Christmas means to them. Following are their responses:...

The Southeast Missourian asked seventh-graders at L.J. Schultz School and St. Mary's Cathedral School and sixth- and seventh-graders at Trinity Lutheran School to write short papers describing what Christmas means to them. Following are their responses:

By Justin Robinett

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

I think Christmas means happiness because everyone is happy and nice to each other. There is a big Christmas tree and presents.

I usually spend Christmas with my grandparents. I think they're coming to my house this year. I like how we open gifts. We either go from oldest to youngest or the other way around.

Sometimes I think about the past Christmases. I think of the happiness and stuff. Also, I think about the family, gifts, friends and the meaning of Christmas. To me that's what Christmas means.

By Jeffrey Miller

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

To me Christmas means sharing, giving and receiving. It is a time of anxiousness and joy and a time when you sing songs.

It's a time when you fix a big meal and make mom wash dishes, go to the Christmas Eve service at church, a time with gifts and a Christmas tree and lots of lights.

My favorite time is on Christmas morning. You wake up and wait for mom and dad to get up.

I like getting out the ornaments and putting up the tree.

The only thing I don't like is Christmas Eve night when you lay there all night.

By Spring DeCramer

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is a time when your family gets together and opens up gifts and eats a lot of cookies. It's also a time when you sit down with the ones you love and talk about Christmases long ago.

Sometimes people forget the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas is when Jesus was born. It's not all about getting gifts and eating cookies. It's about caring and sharing. It's also supposed to be fun.

At my house we open gifts and eat cookies and candy in the morning. Then we watch T.V. and get lunch ready. Then about one or two days later we go to my dad's house. We do about the same thing as at my mom's house. So I usually have two Christmases and I get what I want.

That is how I feel about Christmas.

By Gary Corse

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

The morning of Christmas is when Jesus was born. He made all of our lives different but in a good way. The reason we're giving presents is because it's Jesus' birthday.

There are some traditions that we do, like put up the Christmas tree as a family, give presents, or even read out of the Bible for a few minutes.

Favorite parts of Christmas are the kinds that make people happy. Examples are opening presents, seeing relatives that you don't see very much, or just celebrating Christmas. I like doing all of the above, including reading out of the Bible.

There are people all over the world that go on long, long trips just to see their grandmother, sister, brother, anybody.

I celebrate Christmas by my sister and me putting up the Christmas tree. My family has a tradition: open all the presents after supper.

We'll, I hope you have a great life, and Merry Christmas and have a happy new year.

By Dane McLaird

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

To me Christmas is a time of year that is very special and giving to other people. Christmas is a time for joy and celebrating this special time of year. Christmas means Christ, for this is what Christmas is all about. This special day means to me a happy and joyful day where you visit your relatives and bake special things like cookies, everybody's favorite thing to eat.

When we have Christmas we go to my grandma's and my dad's sister's house to eat. At this time it is for everybody to have a happy and fun time at everybody's house that we go to on Christmas. On Christmas Eve we go to church and then we go to my grandma's again and eat snacks. We also open presents on that night. It is a tradition that we open our presents on that Christmas Eve.

On Christmas morning we open our presents at 6 o'clock until about 8 o'clock. After that we have my mom's family over to eat a brunch. Then we go to my dad's family to eat, but go over there to just talk and have a good time.

By Angel Karraker

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is a time when families come together to celebrate the birth of Christ.

On Christmas I usually go to my grandpa's and grandma's house. Their names are Helga and Raymond Pearl. They live in Cobden, Ill. We go to their house on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day we go to my other grandma's house. Her name is Pearl Karraker. She lives in East Cape, Ill.

When we would go to my grandpa's and grandma's on Christmas Eve they would tell us to go upstairs. Then they would all get the presents under the big tree.

Last Christmas my sister, Tabitha Pearl, played Christmas songs on her clarinet while my cousin, Susan Pearl, played songs on her flute. And since I'm learning to play the flute this year, I'm going to join them.

Winter is a very beautiful season and worth all the cold because Christmas is on the way.

Sometimes people forget the real reason for celebrating Christmas.

By Nina Egson

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is the best part of the year to me. It is very joyful, especially when everyone goes to one house and exchanges gifts.

I really like it when we open gifts. We will be giving and receiving hugs and kisses. The little kids all gather around our grandmother and she reads stories. We take pictures, too.

We always open our gifts after everyone gets up in the morning. We always stay on Christmas Eve night at our grandmother's house.

But since our grandmother is gone now it will not be the same. But I hope you have the best Christmas of all.

By Michael Walker

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas has several different meanings to me. One is that it is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We eat turkey, open presents and come together with our family. Most people think about one another and about one another's feelings.

My favorite part of Christmas is meeting with my family. I also like opening gifts. I have gotten lots of great gifts over the years. I like giving gifts to my mom, dad, brother, sisters and grandma.

We usually put our Christmas tree in the family room, so everyone can see it. My family uses an artificial tree because the real ones drop needles all over the carpet after a few days, but this year we are getting a real one.

Most of the time we have a Christmas celebration at my house. My grandma and other relatives come over and share it with us. I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year.

By Wendy Unsbee

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is a very special holiday to me. It's a time when all my family gets together. On Christmas Eve we have ham and dressing and watch the Christmas Story.

Christmas Day is here. Amanda and I go wake mom and dad and head for the living room. Amanda and I can't wait to open presents. We take turns opening presents. Then we thank everybody for the gifts.

After all the mess is cleaned up, mom goes and fixes dinner to take to grandma's. Dad watches TV. Amanda goes and plays with the things she got. I go listen to music in my room.

That's my Christmas.

By Beth Ward

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is my favorite holiday. During this time of the year I usually dream of a white Christmas and hopefully it will come true. It's a time when my family gets together and has Christmas dinner. It's also a time when we build fires in the fireplace and watch Christmas shows on TV and sometimes listen to Christmas music.

Every Christmas morning my mom fixes the whole family breakfast, We have eggs, bacon and cinnamon rolls. And we watch the movie "A Miracle on 34th Street."

On Christmas Eve we go to church. My brothers, Vance and Aaron, come home from college. Then we go to church, come home, and have sandwiches. Then we go into the living room and open our presents. What Christmas means the most to me is when my family comes together and we celebrate the holiday.

By Steve Rankin

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

To me Christmas is Jesus's birthday.

I also like getting presents. It's also a time for family and traditions and my family has some weird ones.

Number one weird tradition: Christmas tree goes up the day of Thanksgiving. Number two; We get to open three gifts before Christmas. Number three: Playing Christmas music while opening presents.

I also think that Christmas is a joyful time. I like going out to my grandmother's, and having dinner, and reading the Christmas story. Then it's like a buffet. The only thing you don't eat is what was cooked by my Aunt Bonnie. That's what Christmas is to me.

By Michael Minner

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

First of all, Christmas means getting presents. I like getting presents on Christmas Day. I usually get my parents up at 5:30 a.m. and open presents.

Christmas also means family. On Christmas Day, I go to my grandma Scott's, and my aunts, uncles and cousins are all there. It is very exciting.

After eating, Christmas means time for playing with your new gifts. Maybe it will be riding your bike in the street, or sledding in the snow, or even playing a new Nintendo game.

Christmas is the best time of the year to me.

By Danielle Hill

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is a very special holiday for me. We have a tradition of opening one present that my mom picks out and we get to open it on Christmas Eve. I can't wait until Christmas comes.

My favorite part of Christmas is getting the presents and opening them. Because you never know what you are going to get. But to me, it doesn't really matter what you get, but it's the thought that counts.

This year for Christmas, I hope to get some jewelry, a bike, and some money. My brothers want so many different things that they can't even say what all they want. And though it's the thought that counts, it doesn't matter what me and my brother get. Al least we get presents from people we love.

Usually we spend our Christmas at home. We get up early on Christmas morning and open our presents after we are dressed and eat breakfast. Last year was okay but I hope this Christmas will be better.

Christmas has different meanings to different people. When Christmas comes around, I always think about the usual but I also think about Jesus being born and all of the things that happened to him in his life, and how special this holiday really is to this world.

By Jill Wittenborn

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

I love Christmas! I think Christmas is the most special and beautiful time of the year. I don't think is matters what you get or what you eat, it's who you spend it with and the love in the family.

My favorite part around Christmas time is on Christmas Eve, going around town looking at Christmas light and listening to Christmas music.

On Christmas day, we wake up and open all of our presents that are under the tree. Then we get dressed and find something we want to take to grandma's. At my grandma's house we open the presents she and my grandpa get us, and things from the rest of the family.

At lunch time, we eat turkey and dressing and just have a good time.

Last Christmas my great aunt died the day before Christmas eve. It was sad and just wasn't the same. It wasn't the happiest, but hopefully this will be better Christmas for me and for all.

By Darrel Underwood

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is like a birthday to me. My family would give me my Christmas presents first, Then after everyone would open their presents, I would get my birthday presents to open.

My mom has collected ornaments over the years and puts everything that we make up. Most of the time, it has to do with Christmas.

Some of the gifts my parents have got me are some Nintendo games, stuffed animals, and clothes. A couple years ago, my grandma got me a Nintendo. Last year, I got a new house, new school, and some new friends. Now for Christmas I'm hoping to get a new bike.

I like Christmas because my birthday is three days after it.

By Amanda Chapman

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. I have many, many reasons. Here are some of then:

First, Christmas has meaning to different people. To me, it doesn't just mean getting presents; it means getting to see all of my family. On Christmas I see some of my family I never knew I had.

Second, my tradition; first, we always go to my mom's side of the family on Christmas eve. we go to church that night, just a block away from where my grandparents live. There, my cousins are in the play they hold every year. Next, we go to my grandparents and eat supper and open presents. On Christmas we always go to my other grandparents and we open presents and they have "open house" where anyone well, anyone we know can come and stay as long as they like.

My favorite part like most people is opening presents and of course eating. In past years, it has been almost the same. I also like giving. I like watching people open their presents as well as mine.

I think Christmas is special for older people because they see young kids caroling and they remember back to when they did things like that and I think that is one good reason to do things for older people besides yourself.

By Claire Syler

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Tradition, gifts, decorations and holiday spirit all remind me of Christmas. Christmas to me means a time of giving, loving and sharing happiness. Every year my grandparents, my aunt, uncle and cousin all come over on Christmas Eve. My sister chooses the meal and we all have a birthday dinner for her.

My favorite part of Christmas is giving my gifts to other people. I love to go Christmas shopping and then wrapping the gifts. I think it is more fun giving the gifts to people than getting gifts from people.

I think the meaning of Christmas is different to all people. For me, the meaning of Christmas is a time to share, love and spend time with family and friends.

By Adam U.

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

What Christmas means to me. Christmas means when the family comes to gather. We all wear green and red. Every year my mom and dad always dress up like Mr. and Mrs. Claus. They tell us all kinds of stories that are very funny. I always get a certain present, a pair of socks. But it was all right because we got to open presents. We always celebrate Christmas at my grandma's house. She and my mom always cook the food. We have pecan pie and turkey. We usually have a party at my house. We have bobbing for apples and pin the tail on the donkey. We have all kinds of fun. My brothers, cousins and I always go out in the front yard and build a snowman. We would put two buttons for eyes.

Christmas is always so much fun, seeing the family you've never seen before.

By Robin Wright

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas to me means going to my grandparents' houses in Georgia. In the car down there we listen to Christmas music and watch the snow fall on the mountains. We always arrive at their house after everyone. Then we step into a house warm and cozy with the smell of hot food on the stove. Grandma and grandpa come and hug us and we all sit down to hot chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and corn. We sit and talk about weather and politics, then go to bed. In the morning we go and open our gifts and laugh and talk. Then we eat hot eggs, bacon and biscuits and exchange wonderful ideas on how to spend the day!

By Kim Clarke

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I especially like getting the presents for my family. I feel like that is very important. I also like the music.

Helping make food such as cookies, is also fun for me. I especially like eating them!

My favorite part of Christmas, though, is Christmas Eve evening and Christmas Day morning. On Christmas Eve evening we go to church for the Christmas pageant. After that we come home and before going to bed we read "The Night Before Christmas" together. It's very hard to go to sleep that night!

On Christmas Day we kids usually wake up very early. I know Mom and Dad pretend to sleep late just to tease us. One year my sister and I were so excited we were running around my room and I fell down and hit my head!

After everybody's dressed we go downstairs to see our stockings. We dump all our candy out and go through it. Then we eat breakfast. The kids usually finish first and when the grownups are done we go see our toys we got. The youngest always gets to go first. So I'm usually second to last. It's lots of fun.

Christmas evening we open family presents. That's fun too. Then we eat our Christmas dinner. It's always an exciting fun day. I think we all should get in the Christmas spirit, the spirit of giving.

By Susan C.

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas is a time when all the sadness you have disappears and happiness rules. It's a time of love and giving gifts. It's a time when our Christ was born. Friends, relatives, and family join together and make a dreamy time, so warm and carefree moments you'll never forget.

There are many enjoyable activities on Christmas. Games, stories, parties, opening presents, any many other activities make Christmas a favorite time of the year. Not only those activities, but dreams and goals for the next year are very fun to think of.

When Christmas comes, the first thought that comes up to our mind is gifts and fun moments. We forgot one most important thought. The thought of the birth of our Christ, how he made our world enjoyable and gifted, we should never forget.

By Justin B.

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas means when your family gets together and opens presents. You might get what you've been wanting for a long time. You will probably get it. Most of the time your parents are cooking up a big dinner so everybody can get together and eat. Many of our cousins will come down and we will have fun. Many other people are inviting us over to eat. We say no because we're always cooking.

And Christmas is fun. We like it because it's like a thankful time. I like Christmas so much that we can be Santa Claus. And we can drop presents down people's chimneys. Sometimes Santa won't give you whatever you want.

I hope everyone will have a merry Christmas.

By Justin Barnes

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas in my house is a time for family to get together and feel the joy of Christmas. It's not very often my family gets together and shares memories of the past.

Our family's traditions are to sit and talk before eating and to open gifts afterwards on Christmas Eve. Also we go to midnight mass at our church before returning home.

On Christmas Day we have a huge feast and leftovers for dinner, along with a lot of Christmas Day football.

In my opinion my favorite activities are football and eating.

By Caroline Giles

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas time is a very special holiday to me for many different reasons. One is the scenery and the smell of Christmas time. It just has this feeling in the air so when you walk outside you just know it's Christmas.

I love sneaking around and looking for all my presents. The problem is after I have found all my presents there's no surprise in opening them.

Christmas is also going to church on Christmas Eve and then going over to a relative's house. It's also giving to the homeless and the poor.

My feelings about Christmas have changed over the years. When I was younger, it used to be just presents, presents, presents, but now I think of all the other wonderful things Christmas is.

By Melissa Altenthal

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

I think of many things when I think of Christmas.

I think of going shopping for gifts. I also think of going to see family and eating a lot of food.

Christmas also means giving and getting gifts. I love to get good presents, especially clothes.

Getting out the Christmas tree and decorating it is another favorite tradition. Putting lights around the house is always fun.

The most important thing is thinking about Baby Jesus with Mary and Joseph in the stable in Bethlehem.

By Jill McCloskey

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Everyone knows what the true meaning of Christmas is. It's being with your family, showing love, and sharing the spirit of the holiday season. Of course, this is what wise people are supposed to tell their children.

One of the wonderful parts of the holiday season is probably seeing my relatives. This could be because it means more presents, but maybe it's a special glow that connects the family when it is a great time of the year.

The sound of people laughing and jingle bells, the sight of a Christmas tree and stockings, the thought of houses gleaming with bright, beautiful lights these bring the best visions of Christmas to me.

Sometimes on Christmas Eve it's great to hear about how you used to believe in Santa Claus and wanted to sit on his lap at the mall, or talk about the strangest presents you ever got. The best thing about this is eating the food Mom and Grandma spent forever making.

Everyone has to agree, however, that the very best part of Christmas is getting out of school or work.

By Yalaka Totton

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

I've never thought about what Christmas means to me. I've never asked myself this question before. But I think it's Christmas joy that means lots of things for everyone; it's laughter with smiles and pretty decorations, families putting up Christmas trees and stockings.

It's little kids telling Santa what they want for Christmas; learning new Christmas carols; and shopping at the mall. It's thinking about what you want to get friends and family.

Traditions and families gathering together are a great part of Christmas. Fire places. Snow falling. Sleigh bells ringing. Skinny Santa Clauses saying, "Ho! Ho! Ho!" Presents under the Christmas tree. Most of all, the happiness it brings. These are things that belong to the list "What Christmas means to me."

By Christy Fornkohl

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

When I think of Christmas, I think of the weather getting cold, and having to drag my winter clothes out of the closet.

I also think of going through catalogs and watching TV ads to find the things I want.

I think of going shopping with friends, and buying presents for Mom and Dad.

I also hear things. I hear Christmas carols mixed with the Salvation Army Santa ringing his bell for spare change.

I hear my family laughing over my cousin's cute phrases as she its by the Christmas tree and shakes the presents.

By Christy Hey

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas it's the most wonderful time of the year. When I was 7 or 8, Christmas time didn't mean presents or toys, but it meant going caroling.

Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved singing. I have the Christmas with the Chipmunks tape, Amy Grant's CD, and even classical tapes of Christmas.

In December when Y105 plays two days of Christmas music, I never turn off the radio. I am never shy about my singing. On the bus, I sing Christmas songs from the time I leave school until I get home. I really love Christmas music.

I also like wearing Christmas clothes. The other day I wore a shirt with a big Christmas tree on it and my friend said, "Christy, why are you wearing that? It's not even Thanksgiving yet!" I beg my mom to buy me Christmas clothes all the time.

I love the Christmas lights, the trees, family coming to town, and the presents; but mostly when I think of Christmas time, I think of singing.

By Keshia Dockery

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas to me means being around my family. It's tradition and having fun. It's decorating the house and tree.

It's enjoying the cold outside and a fire in the fireplace. It's eating a big dinner and a nice healthy breakfast. It's snow on the ground, like a winter wonderland.

It's waking up in the morning with presents under the tree. It's giving gifts from your heart. It's shopping for presents, hearing the Christmas sons, and the Salvation Army bells ring. It's church plays, going Christmas caroling and celebrating Jesus's birth.

It's staying up till Dec. 25. It's looking for your presents, counting home many you have. It's giving money and toys to people in need.

Christmas is mainly giving, caring and sharing.

By Kristin Seib

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh.... It's nice to dream, but there's no snow and I sure don't have a horse or sleigh, but I do have Christmas, and what it means to me.

I must admit that I love presents as much as anybody, but sometimes I think that we forget the real reasons of Christmas.

We always seem to forget that Christmas is about Jesus's birth and about God sending his son to earth for us. I think about that when I lug out the catalogs.

Christmas also means that I have to write to Santa Clause for my sister. By the time she gets done, the letter is about three times long as my list.

By Micah Goodrich

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

When I think of Christmas, it means many things to me.

It means being with my family and opening presents. It's also making my Christmas list two months before Christmas and then adding to it every day.

Then when you go shopping, you hear Christmas songs. Also I just love getting cards in the mail from my family and friends. It's also fun to remember when you were little and you sat on Santa's lap.

But since I'm too told to do that, it's fun to watch other little kids do it.

But I really think the most important thing to me is Jesus Christ.

By Jennifer Hutchings

7th grade, L.J. Schultz.

When I think of Christmas, I think of many things. Christmas to me means getting and giving presents. It means trying to find presents for my family.

Christmas means going to the mall and trying to remember who I have to buy presents for. It means helping little kids write to Santa.

Most of all, I think of Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus, and everyone coming to see him.

By Esha King

7th grade, L.J. Schultz

Christmas means many things to me. For instance, it means putting up the Christmas tree at home, church and Grandma's, while the snow is falling outside and Christmas tunes are playing on the radio.

Another thing I think Christmas means is shopping for presents for family and friends, and trying to bribe people to tell what they got me or where it is.

However, the most important thing about Christmas is celebrating the birth of Christ. I enjoy going to church on Christmas Eve to watch the Christmas program. And after the program, there is the excitement of opening presents on Christmas morning.

By Nick Raines

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is not just a festive holiday with decorated trees, colorful lights and presents. In fact, the first Christmas was not even celebrated. To almost everyone at that time, it was just like any other night, but it was really the beginning of our new life.

Christmas, to me, means family togetherness. On Christmas, my family visits both of my grandparents' houses. Christmas is also a time of joy and thanksgiving.

What do you think of when you hear the word Christmas? Usually people will answer, "presents." Granted, the presents are nice, but we should most remember God's gift, his son, Jesus Christ.

When it gets around this time, people start buying gifts and decorations in order to be ready for Christmas. This is the best time to ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" or "What does Christmas really mean to me?" You should answer, "to show my love for others," and "to celebrate the birth of my savior."

By Brandi Hansen

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means to me the time when God sent his only son to die for all people. Jesus came knowing he would die for all. We need to learn from Jesus and try to act like him. Remember God loves you and gave you the most precious gift of all, his son Jesus.

Christmas is a time to give and think of others. Instead of saying give me, I want, I need, or why didn't I get this. Instead say thank you and you may have it. It's time we be generous and not selfish. The time when we spend quality time with parents and relatives. It's a time to forgive and forget. So don't fight during the Christmas season. It is time to focus on love and the many Christmases you already have had. During the Christmas season you should not be self-involved, but care about others and what they think. To be grateful when you get a present you don't like. The time to treat all the way you want to be treated.

A time when you can do things for others. Like giving them blankets, food, kindness and much more. Take people to church to learn about God. That's what Christmas means to me.

Paul Burger

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

I think Christmas is the most wonderful holiday of the year. The reason I think this is because this was probably the most exciting time in history because our savior was born.

This was a very special night for Mary and Joseph, for Mary was about to give birth to Jesus, our savior. When Jesus was born there were wise men, shepherds and millions upon millions of angels that filled up the sky. That must have been a very spectacular sight to see. I only wish I could have been there to see this.

I am glad when Christmas comes not only to receive presents, but to know that Jesus was born to save us from our sins. Jesus later died on the cross to save everyone so that if they believe in him, they will go to Heaven.

By Regan Kelley

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is a time to cherish. It is a time that when it comes every year, people get in good moods. I think Christmas is the best time of the year because of giving, sharing and most of all, Christ's birthday. Christ's birthday is when God sent his blessed son to save us. Christ's birthday is when Jesus Christ was born. That is why they call it Christmas.

It is also a time for love, kindness and joy. Just like God cared for us so much that he sent his son to care for us by dying on the cross to save us. That is why we can be joyful during the Christmas season.

My favorite part about Christmas, besides Christ's birthday, is the fact of giving people presents. This reminds us of what the shepherds and wise men gave when he was a baby. They knew that when Christ was born he was a very special baby.

I am glad I go to Trinity Lutheran School, otherwise I would not be able to learn about Christ's birthday. I hope you learn about Christ too. Have a good Christmas, but keep in mind that Christmas is not about presents.

Merry Christmas!

By David Meyr

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas time is full of many special, important and wonderful things like Christmas trees, Santa Claus, no school, snow, music, cookies and presents. But the most important thing about Christmas happened a long time ago in a little stable. The place where this wonderful thing happened was shown by a bright star, the wonderful thing that happened was the birth of a little child named Jesus. This child, who was sent from God, his father, would grow up and save us by dying on a cross. Now, this sounds a little bit depressing, but really we should rejoice and celebrate for he rose on the third day and went to Heaven.

On Christmas we give gifts and presents to remind us of our God gave the greatest gift to us, his son, on Christmas Eve. Giving gifts also reminds us of how much we should love each other.

So this Christmas Eve, when you are opening your presents and sitting around the Christmas tree, think of the Christmas star, and the angels, wise men and shepherds, and remember the great things that God has done for you, especially for sending his son, Jesus Christ, down to earth that first Christmas.

By Heather Birk

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is a great holiday. You get lots of presents and you get lots to eat. You go to church and you go to relatives' houses. But Christmas to me is a little more than that; you remember what happened to make this holiday happen.

Mary and Joseph had a baby and its name is Jesus; he is our savior. God gave Joseph and Mary this savior to be born that some day he would be our savoir. That night there was a special star that wise men followed to find the baby and give him gifts. This baby was born in a stall because the inn was full. God sent this baby to someday die for us. He did die for us.

This Christmas I will go to church and praise him and worship him. I will also thank God for giving his son to die for us on the cross. For Christmas, God gave us this present. So next time I give a present, I will think of this present.

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By Kevin Pingel

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

For me, Christmas is a time of joy. Many people, though, get mixed up in the hustle and bustle of shopping for gifts and fall into the trap of thinking that Christmas means lots of presents. Presents are actually only a very minor part of it all. We give presents because God gave us the most precious gift of all time on Christmas. He gave us His only son, Jesus, so that when Jesus grew up He could die on a cross, smitten and afflicted, to save us from our sins.

Christ humbled Himself, born in an inn, laid in a manger for a crib. Christ shows us the path to heaven. He leads us on our journey through life. We follow in His footsteps. So when you're out shopping for your yearly Christmas presents, think about why you are doing it. It shouldn't be because you have to, or because it is expected of you, but because you want to, and because God gave us Christ. What it ultimately comes to is, Christ in your heart?

By Loren Axel Honaas

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas, a time of year to celebrate Christ's birthday. When most people think of Christmas, they think of food, gifts, trees and the like. We should view Christmas as Christ's birthday, not a gift-giving holiday. Whenever Mary and Joseph went to the inn, they were rejected so they went to a nearby stable, where, that night, the birth of Jesus took place. Jesus wasn't born in a castle, not even a house, but on the ground in a stable amongst farm animals.

On Christmas, people tend to forget about the true meaning of Christmas. They consider Christmas as having no thing godly or religious about it. It's a shame that some of these people don't know the true meaning of Christmas to brighten their lives on this wonderful holiday.

The reason we give gifts on Christmas is to celebrate the holiday among each other. Christmas is not a holiday to celebrate being "good little boys and girls," not to say that we shouldn't lead good lives by getting gifts. Christmas shouldn't be considered a holiday for reward, but a time for great joy and celebration for the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This is what the holiday, Christmas, means to me.

By Alix Ann Lindblom

8th grade, Trinity Lutheran

To me, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Christ Jesus. He was sent to save all of us from our sin. Just as the wise men gave gifts to the newborn king, we also take part in a gift exchange.

Gift giving is a wonderful part about Christmas. God gave us the gift of his son and we give gifts in remembrance of that special night. Every time I give a gift, I hope the receiver of my present will like it as much as I appreciate our gift, Jesus.

In my heart, I will always save a special place for Jesus, but I also love the sights, sounds and smells of the holiday season. Christmas trees decorating the interior of houses as a festival of lights twinkle outside. I love to hear carolers singing and watch as they shuffle through powdered snow. The smell of a turkey roasting in an oven and a family drinking egg nog as they breathe in the magic of Christmas in the air is a true Christmas experience that I always will cherish.

I am looking forward to the celebration of Christmas and will keep that special place in my heart wide open in hopes to share what happened on that night when we received the most spectacular gift.

By Leah Michel

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means presents, joyous times, the family gathering around the Christmas tree, kids with full tummies and sparkles in their eyes looking at the presents and the Christmas tree pointing to heaven.

Waiting for their parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents to get into the living room to light the candles and put film in their cameras so they can remember the joy and thanks in their kids eyes. Fathers putting togethers games or assembling the presents for their kids and remembering Jesus and how he was born in a stable and the gifts the wise men brought.

By Leah Ulrich

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

I think of Christmas as being the most wonderful time of the year. At school, or at my church, I can take part in plays. I can even go to a nursing home and talk to the elderly. When I'm doing nothing at home, I might even help put up the lights this year that make your house look warm and full of spirit.

Another thing that makes Christmas the most wonderful time of the year is that on Christmas and Christmas Eve, I get to open presents.

The best present of all is Jesus Christ being born. Someday Jesus will come back to earth and save all the believers.

By Julie Seabaugh

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Presents, snow, food, Christmas trees ... it's almost Christmas time? Most of us agree, getting and giving presents are a very fun part of Christmas, although not the most important part. Neither are Christmas, trees, all decorated with their lights and ornaments. As Christmas draws near, we must not think of Santa Claus, but of the spirit of Santa Claus, the spirit of giving. And when we think of the spirit of giving, we should think of God, giving us his son to come to earth to die and save us from our sins.

So when Christmas comes, year after year, we can remember what we have been given, and give gifts out of the goodness of our hearts, as God has given us his son, Jesus.

By Sarah Bruening

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means that Jesus, God's son, was born for everyone. Without him, I could not go to heaven.

Christmas also means celebrating with my family and friends. It is fun to exchange some presents with them. Without my family and friends, Christmas would be an ordinary day just like any other.

Another thing Christmas means to me is baking cookies with my family. It's lots of fun to have a special time when my family can talk to each other and have fun together.

Christmas to me also means a happy joyous time when we celebrate. My family celebrates Jesus's birth by going to church and performing in Christmas concerts.

We also remember that we are saved and will go to heaven because Jesus came to earth to die for us. For this reason we go to church to praise, thank and honor him. Without God we wouldn't be here today.

Katie Singleton

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Every year we celebrate Christmas by giving gifts to our close friends. I think that the best gift we ever received was Jesus. Jesus was born to show us how to love God and how to love one another. Because God loved us so much, he sent Jesus to die for us so that we could live eternally in Heaven.

So I think that Christmas should be a time of year when we show love toward others, as God showed love toward us.

By Nicole Gerard

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Usually, when you hear the word Christmas, you think of presents, candy canes, being off work or school. But also we should think of why we have Christmas. Jesus, that's why. Without him, we would never have Christmas or times for presents because Christmas is Jesus's birthday. We should all think about Jesus and the wisemen , the star, and other things along with Santa, presents and no work or school.

By Aron Clarke Meystedt

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

First of all, and most important, Christmas is the day Jesus Christ, our savior, came into the world. Without him we would be spiritually lost. But with him we are saved and can join him in Heaven.

Second, it is a time of giving to people who are less fortunate and can't afford many items.

Third, it is a time of giving to our family members who we love and want to express our love to them.

Last of all, we receive gifts from our family and friends that might be toys, candy or clothes. But remember, Christ comes first in my life and should in yours.

By Laura Schuessler

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means being with family and friends.

We celebrate the coming of Jesus on Christmas.

Going caroling and getting gifts sometimes goes with Christmas. Having turkey and pumpkin pie sometimes goes with Christmas and getting out of school for two weeks. Also seeing all the Christmas lights and Christmas trees and singing out to God's family at our Christmas concert.

By Bridget Tracy

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas to me means presents, Christmas lights, Christmas trees, the spirit of giving, eggnog, families celebrating and the most important thing Christ's birth.

Christ's birth is the most important thing about Christmas because he came down to save us from all sin and the devil. With him we really don't have to worry about anything because he will forgive our sins as long as we repent. If Christ wouldn't have been born on Christmas, think of what this world would be like today.

By Amber Niswonger

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is the day when families can gather together and celebrate Jesus' birthday. We also receive gifts, go caroling, eat good foods, go to Christmas programs and see family members that live far away. But I think that the most important thing about Christmas is that Jesus our savior was born.

By Michael McCowan

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

When I hear "Christmas," I think of togetherness in my family, Christmas morning with my grandparents and uncle. I also think of presents as many people do. Giving presents has always reminded me of the best present Christ. Many people at Christmas think of "gimmie, gimmie," when the idea of the season is giving. Santa Claus has also been a symbol of Christmas, and as he gives out his presents it helps to back up the idea of giving.

Christmas also reminds me of late Christmas Eve services at church and then having a party with our neighbors another time of togetherness. I also think about our Christmas tree, with lots of decorations, with special Christmas cookies and treats, and remembering Christmases from the past. This is what Christmas means to me.

By Tina Blackwell

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means many different things. To me it means gifts, sharing, parties and Christ.

The gifts are a way to remind me of the fact Jesus was born in a stable. There were also Wise Men who gave gifts of gold and other fine gifts.

Parties are good for Christmas as long as it's kept peaceful. It's sad to think that some people who were in the town did not join in the party of Jesus's birth hundreds of years ago.

Of all the things around this time, Christ is the most important. He was sent on earth to save us from our sins. If you would like to find out more, come to our program Dec. 6 at Trinity school, 55 N. Pacific Street.

By Leah Michel

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means presents, joyous times, the family gathering around the Christmas tree, kids with full tummies and sparkles in their eyes looking at the presents and the Christmas tree pointing to heaven.

Waiting for their parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents to get into the living room to light the candles and put film in their cameras so they can remember the joy and thanks in their kids eyes. Fathers putting together games or assembling the presents for their kids and remembering Jesus and how he was born in a stable and the gifts the wise men brought.

By Leah Ulrich

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

I think of Christmas as being the most wonderful time of the year. At school, or at my church, I can take part in plays. I can even go to a nursing home and talk to the elderly. When I'm doing nothing at home, I might even help put up the lights this year that make your house look warm and full of spirit.

Another thing that makes Christmas the most wonderful time of the year is that on Christmas and Christmas Eve, I get to open presents.

The best present of all is Jesus Christ being born. Someday Jesus will come back to earth and save all the believers.

By Julie Seabaugh

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Presents, snow, food, Christmas trees ... it's almost Christmas time? Most of us agree, getting and giving presents are a very fun part of Christmas, although not the most important part. Neither are Christmas, trees, all decorated with their lights and ornaments. As Christmas draws near, we must not think of Santa Claus, but of the spirit of Santa Claus, the spirit of giving. And when we think of the spirit of giving, we should think of God, giving us his son to come to earth to die and save us from our sins.

So when Christmas comes, year after year, we can remember what we have been given, and give gifts out of the goodness of our hearts, as God has given us his son, Jesus.

By Sarah Bruening

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means that Jesus, God's son, was born for everyone. Without him, I could not go to heaven.

Christmas also means celebrating with my family and friends. It is fun to exchange some presents with them. Without my family and friends, Christmas would be an ordinary day just like any other.

Another thing Christmas means to me is baking cookies with my family. It's lots of fun to have a special time when my family can talk to each other and have fun together.

Christmas to me also means a happy joyous time when we celebrate. My family celebrates Jesus's birth by going to church and performing in Christmas concerts.

We also remember that we are saved and will go to heaven because Jesus came to earth to die for us. For this reason we go to church to praise, thank and honor him. Without God we wouldn't be here today.

Katie Singleton

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Every year we celebrate Christmas by giving gifts to our close friends. I think that the best gift we ever received was Jesus. Jesus was born to show us how to love God and how to love one another. Because God loved us so much, he sent Jesus to die for us so that we could live eternally in Heaven.

So I think that Christmas should be a time of year when we show love toward others, as God showed love toward us.

By Nicole Gerard

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Usually, when you hear the word Christmas, you think of presents, candy canes, being off work or school. But also we should think of why we have Christmas. Jesus, that's why. Without him, we would never have Christmas or times for presents because Christmas is Jesus's birthday. We should all think about Jesus and the wisemen, the star, and other things along with Santa, presents and no work or school.

By Aron Clarke Meystedt

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

First of all, and most important, Christmas is the day Jesus Christ, our savior, came into the world. Without him we would be spiritually lost. But with him we are saved and can join him in Heaven.

Second, it is a time of giving to people who are less fortunate and can't afford many items.

Third, it is a time of giving to our family members who we love and want to express our love to them.

Last of all, we receive gifts from our family and friends that might be toys, candy or clothes. But remember, Christ comes first in my life and should in yours.

By Laura Schuessler

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means being with family and friends.

We celebrate the coming of Jesus on Christmas.

Going caroling and getting gifts sometimes goes with Christmas. Having turkey and pumpkin pie sometimes goes with Christmas and getting out of school for two weeks. Also seeing all the Christmas lights and Christmas trees and singing out to God's family at our Christmas concert.

By Bridget Tracy

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas to me means presents, Christmas lights, Christmas trees, the spirit of giving, eggnog, families celebrating and the most important thing Christ's birth.

Christ's birth is the most important thing about Christmas because he came down to save us from all sin and the devil. With him we really don't have to worry about anything because he will forgive our sins as long as we repent. If Christ wouldn't have been born on Christmas, think of what this world would be like today.

By Amber Niswonger

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is the day when families can gather together and celebrate Jesus' birthday. We also receive gifts, go caroling, eat good foods, go to Christmas programs and see family members that live far away. But I think that the most important thing about Christmas is that Jesus our savior was born.

By Michael McCowan

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

When I hear "Christmas," I think of togetherness in my family, Christmas morning with my grandparents and uncle. I also think of presents as many people do. Giving presents has always reminded me of the best present Christ. Many people at Christmas think of "gimmie, gimmie," when the idea of the season is giving. Santa Claus has also been a symbol of Christmas, and as he gives out his presents it helps to back up the idea of giving.

Christmas also reminds me of late Christmas Eve services at church and then having a party with our neighbors another time of togetherness. I also think about our Christmas tree, with lots of decorations, with special Christmas cookies and treats, and remembering Christmases from the past. This is what Christmas means to me.

By Tina Blackwell

7th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means many different things. To me it means gifts, sharing, parties and Christ.

The gifts are a way to remind me of the fact Jesus was born in a stable. There were also Wise Men who gave gifts of gold and other fine gifts.

Parties are good for Christmas as long as it's kept peaceful. It's sad to think that some people who were in the town did not join in the party of Jesus's birth hundreds of years ago.

Of all the things around this time, Christ is the most important. He was sent on earth to save us from our sins. If you would like to find out more, come to our program Dec. 6 at Trinity school, 55 N. Pacific Street.

By Joe Beaudean

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is celebrated in many ways. Even before Halloween there were Christmas decorations all over the stores. Many people seem to have fallen into the trap of commercialized Christmas and they are forgetting the real importance of Christmas.

People have developed ways of commercializing Christmas. The most well-known way is belief in Santa Claus. Another way people commercialize Christmas is the rush to buy presents while the stores start their Christmas sales. You certainly can't forget the decorations the Christmas trees, wreaths, lights, tinsel and so on.

None of these ways of celebrating are necessarily wrong. For example, the decorations get people into the Christmas spirit and the presents are ways of showing love for each other, but we must remember the true meaning of Christmas.

The real meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who came to die for us and take away our sins and to save us from eternal death and give us eternal life.

By Kevin Loyd

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas means more than getting presents. It means giving and loving and spending time with the ones you care for.

It means to be a little nicer to even those that treat you badly. But most of all, it means Christ's birth and how his birth and death help to save the world. When Christ was born, a great thing happened, the birth of our savior. So on this Christmas we shouldn't think of it as getting presents and getting out of school, but think of it as the birthday of our savior.

By Matt Younghouse

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is not just a time for presents, candy, cookies and Santa Claus; it is the time when Christ our savior was born. The true Christmas story is when heavenly angels sang their glorious anthems and when wise men followed the star of Christ for many miles. It's about shepherds listening to the angels' songs and when the animals looked over the manger at our wonderful savior.

It is a time of fellowship, love, warmth, sharing and most of all praising. It is a time to go to church and sing these wonderful songs the angels sang. What does Christmas mean to you?

By Andrew Ulrich

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

What Christmas means to me is not just getting gifts, but getting the best gift of all, Jesus. He taught us to pray, and also taught us to love each other. He also died on the cross and took away our sins, so when we die we can go to Heaven. Christmas also means going and seeing your relatives.

It is a time of sharing and caring, even when times are hard. It is a time of putting decorations up on your house and having fun exchanging gifts on Christmas. Christmas concerts are fun to be a part of. It is also fun getting out of school for one or two weeks. Best of all is going to church where we learn the true meaning of Christmas.

By Jessica Balogh

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas to me seems like the most special time of the year for several reasons such as celebrating our savior's birth, spending time with family and enjoying the candlelight service on Christmas Eve.

Around Christmas-time in my family we all get together at my grandmother's house. We eat, share stores and exchange gifts. For me another special reason I enjoy Christmas-time is I get to see family members I may not have seen in a long time. I love going to stores and seeing people happy and filled with joy.

Once a year at Christmas-time, my great-grandmother takes me out and buys me an ornament. Altogether I have 11 ornaments dating back to 1981.

My aunt lives in St. Louis and she fixed her tree in gold and pink last year. I can't wait to see how she does it this year.

Our family does something every year called "funny gifts." We draw names at Thanksgiving, and whichever name we draw then we buy a gift that would make that person laugh. This is why Christmas is so special to me.

By Ryan Austin

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

What Christmas Means to me. One thing Christmas means to me is presents. Another thing Christmas means to me is that I have no school. I get off almost two weeks! The most important thin Christmas means to me, is that it is all about Jesus Christ being born on Christmas day. Jesus is our Lord and Savior. His true father was God. The reason Jesus was born in a stable is because it was census time in Bethlehem and all the inns were full.

One thing we do for Christmas is put up lights. On Christmas Eve we go to my grandma's and open presents. On Christmas day we go to my other grandma's house and open presents. Usually before Christmas we go around and look at lights. There are very pretty lights around town.

The reason we still celebrate Christmas today is because we love Jesus and He loves us.

By Derek Honaas

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is the birth of Christ and a time for rejoicing because Christ is our savior and why not rejoice? It is only the biggest Christian event of the year.

Christmas is a time for giving and I guess taking because you do take the presents given to you, don't you?

I'm jumping off the subject here, the birth of Christ. I think the birth of Christ or a day called Christmas is very important to me because it reminds me of what God did and what he gave up for us and how Jesus suffered to forgive our sins. But that is sort of sad, so I won't say anymore about it.

By Shiela Zook

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is a time for spending time with family and friends. Getting presents was and still is one of my favorite things. But the real meaning of Christmas is Christ. He was born on Christmas. That's why it is called "Christ-mas." His mother, Mary, and his step-father, Joseph, went to Jerusalem to find a home. They didn't find one, but they found a stall. And then Jesus came into our world. There were angels, wise men, sheep, cattle, donkeys and a star. That star was the main star. It guided the wise men to the baby. They brought heavenly gifts.

By Sara Boren

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas isn't all about presents and pretty decorations. It is a birthday. Not all people would know this, but I do. It was our savior's birthday. It was a very special time for people. We should give thanks to God. Without God we couldn't even have Christmas because it is all about Jesus. Sure we all like gifts and decoration but we should also remember that Jesus is the first one we should give thanks to.

It is also a time for gathering together and letting people rejoice in the time of getting to see their family. People come together and see people that they have never seen before and have a good time knowing that God is always by your side. You should also remember you should go to church on Christmas and thank God for everything he has done for you. He has given you food, shelter, health, families and friends. So have fun on Christmas.

By Luke Fuemmeler

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is a time for sharing gifts and getting together with family and most important celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ our savior. It's not just getting, it's giving. Christmas is a time filled with love, joy and happiness.

Christmas is for worshiping God and being good servants of our Lord. It is not just not liking a gift, but being glad with what you get. Some people aren't able to get and give gifts, so be glad that you had the opportunity to get and receive gifts.

We need to have a little love, love a little more, and get along a little better. We also need to love others instead of fighting all the time. Christmas means gifts, choirs, concerts, relatives, meeting with old and new friends and worshiping God. It's a time for love, dinners and caring. Wee need to feel better about ourselves and about others. We need to help others so they may have a Merry Christmas.

By Courtney Haman

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas to me means a whole lot more than just presents, Santa Claus and candy canes. It's a time for praising God who sent his son for us. Everyone should stop and think how wonderful Christmas really is.

Most people think Christmas is a time for getting presents and playing in the snow but don't know what the real meaning of Christmas is.

We have different symbols that mean different things to me, such as the Christmas tree, a symbol of life and pointing to the Heavens. Christmas to me means the birth of Jesus Christ and reminds me of how much God loves us. I can only imagine how wonderful it must have been for the shepherds and wise men that night, seeing Jesus and thousands of angels singing from heaven and following that star. The next time you are looking to Christmas, remember the child of Heaven, Jesus Christ.

Have a Merry Christmas!

By Cassie Koch

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas time is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, your savior. Not only do you need to celebrate, but also think about Jesus Christ and what he did for you. He died for you and saved you from your sins. You could even put up trees with decorations or even decorate the house. But think why we celebrate Christmas. If someone does not know what or who Jesus is or his word, get a Bible or something where they can learn the word, and become part of God's family.

Also Christmas is a time to gather and be caring. Give time out to help the poor. Give them money or food. Gather together to go to church around Christmas time. But Christmas is not the only time you should go to church. Pray for everybody not only your family, friends or yourself. Don't pray for things you only want, but things you need, and having Jesus Christ as your savior. That's what Christmas means to me.

By Chad Lohmann

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

The real meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Jesus Christ's birth. Not just because we get presents, but because he died on the cross to save our sins. We should celebrate Jesus everyday, not just because it's Christmas.

But Christmas is the most fun holiday of the year, I think. I can't wait until Christmas. At that time it sometimes snows. The fun part is putting up the Christmas tree and then putting up the ornaments. Also maybe your family comes for Christmas Day.

That shows a lot of sharing and caring. Christmas time is great. That's when most everybody is happy for vacation.

By Angela Lunsford

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is not about candy canes, Santa Claus, presents and snow. It is about family gatherings, Christmas carols and especially our Lord, Jesus Christ, whose birthday it is.

Jesus loves us. He died for us. He is our Savoir. Angels announced this to the shepherds in Luke 2:11-14: "For to you this day is born in the city of David a savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find the babe wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger. And suddenly a multitude of angels started praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased."

By Nikia Perdue

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is a time many, many years ago when a baby boy was born. It is not just about getting gifts or giving gifts; it's about what God has done for us. He sent his son to die on the cross for us. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a stable. Do you really think that Christmas is just getting presents? Well then you are missing the point. If you give things, then you should not think you need to get something back. Gathering together is something else we can do. If we gather together it gives us a chance to see our family and get together and tell stories from the Bible. Don't forget the true reason we celebrate Christmas and the coming of Christ!

By Veronica Simms

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas to me means celebrating Christ's birth. It means nice people and snow and presents. I like spending time with my family that I may have not seen in a while.

Most of my relatives live in different parts of Missouri. The only time I get to see most of my relatives is on Christmas. During Christmas we usually put up a Christmas tree and put presents under it that we will exchange with each other.

The most important thing to me on Christmas is our savoir, Jesus Christ. Jesus's birthday is important to a lot of people. Most kids, like me, only think of presents, but Jesus is important too.

Usually it snows before Christmas, so some of my friends and I go sledding down hills. And that's what Christmas means to me.

By Jessica Sims

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is a time for sharing. It is a time to be with your family and most of all, it's Christ's birthday. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea when Harod was the king.

Christmas is a time to put up a Christmas tree, buy presents and give presents.

The Bible says, "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East and have come to worship him." (Matthew 2:2) Christmas is the best holiday of the year.

By Aaron Ulrich

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is when Jesus was born. Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins.

Christmas also is when people share gifts with others. It is a time for caring, sharing and loving.

Most people I know just care about presents. You should celebrate Jesus's birthday instead of just expecting presents.

You should go to church and listen to the Christmas story and hear God's word. You should invite needy people and give presents to them and tell them God's word.

That is what Christmas is about.

By Angela Hoffman

6th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus's birth. By giving presents we celebrate his birth. Jesus's mother was the Virgin Mary. The angels told the people about his birth, like the shepherds who were watching their sheep. The wise men followed a star to where Jesus was lying. They brought gifts of gold and incense and myrrh. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus. He told the wise men to tell him where Jesus was. But god told them in a dream not to go back to the king. Then an angel came to Joseph and told him to leave and go to Egypt. Joseph took Mary and Jesus and left. Then Herod gave orders to kill all the baby boys. When Herod died, an angel told Joseph to go to Israel.

We celebrate Christmas today to remember Jesus and his love for us. Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins. He died on the cross for us. Many people preached about him back then, and many people still do today.

By Jarrod Grebing

5th grade, Trinity Lutheran

When Christmas comes I think of presents and seeing my family; but the real reason of Christmas is because of Jesus' birth in a stable.

Christmas is because God sent his only Son to later die on the cross and forgive our sins. Christmas is also full of joy and happiness. I like to see my family and have fun on Christmas, but the real reason of Christmas is because God loves us.

By Ramsey Stevens

5th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Two thousand years ago my Lord was born,

To fulfill the great prophecy.

No, it was not about getting presents on Christmas morn,

It was about how God sent His Son to me.

Jesus was born of Mary in a lowly stable,

He was born our Christmas King.

This is not just a story, it is no fable,

To our Holy King we sing.

He was to teach us of God's great love,

And of the future to come.

Of how He was sent from heaven above,

To die on the cross for our sins yet to come.

Thank you, Lord, for sending this Baby to me,

The forgiveness of our sins.

He was the key.

By Annie Petzoldt

5th grade, Trinity Lutheran

Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus' birthday with one another. We can go to church and sing anthems of praise. Christmas is a time to open presents and to be happy with what you get.

You could remem

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