OpinionFebruary 4, 2000
ONLY IN Southeast Missouri would conservatives respond to a charge of name-calling with "yes we do and we're proud of it." What these conservatives fail to realize is each time they resort to mud-slinging, they are merely admitting the fundamental weakness of their argument. ...

Too much name calling

ONLY IN Southeast Missouri would conservatives respond to a charge of name-calling with "yes we do and we're proud of it." What these conservatives fail to realize is each time they resort to mud-slinging, they are merely admitting the fundamental weakness of their argument. The readers will be amazed if they keep an informal count of how many times in a conservative Speak Out item it's all name calling. When liberals call, they depend on the strength of their position. I know that most of the readers will not want to believe this, but if they will keep score and see for themselves, they will have to admit which side does the name calling.

True, loyal fans

BOB MILLER, you know absolutely nothing about being a true fan, or a loyal one for that matter. If you want to see true, loyal fans, go to Chaffee.

It's taking too long

I FILED a complaint back in December over an ex parte order violation on my ex wife with the city police and the prosecuting attorney's office. It has been over a month and as far as the prosecuting attorney's office told me, it is still under review. I have filed another charge with the city police department, and it has been two months, and that charge has not been acted upon. I'd like to know how long it takes for the prosecuting attorney to act upon a case. A month? Two months? Six months? Or is it just supposed to take a couple of days. I want to know why it takes so long for the prosecuting attorney's office to act upon a complaint.

Others need health care

I'LL LAY a wager that most people like myself who call in for a national health-care bill don't need it. Most of us have a good pension and insurance. But I'm going to fight for a national health-care bill. People are misled when they say we want a handout. We're talking for the others who do need a national health-care bill. I'm willing to take a poll. People, call in if you're for a national health-care bill but don't need it yourself.

Most don't provide abortions

IT'S PRETTY evident that some people are unaware that over 120 family planning programs in Missouri are not affiliated with abortions. Some people have us confused with the two Planned Parenthood clinics in Missouri that do provide abortion services. The bottom line is family-planning programs in Missouri do not provide abortions. It would be really nice if people could educate themselves about this, especially if they want to speak out against it.

Unfair connection

I JUST read with interest the story about Mr. Schuler taking over as interim director of the Civic Center.. I'd like to know exactly what his position has to do with you saying he was fired from his job at Southeast Missouri State University. This man is giving his time and his energy to help rejuvenate the Civic Center, and you are doing nothing but making him look like a bad guy. In truth, he's a very wonderful person. I worked for him for five years, and I don't understand why you would print something so defaming as this.

Lots of left-wing lies

NETWORK ANCHORS know very well that Republicans are not trying to cut Medicare spending. But they want you to think they are. Mainstream reporters know very well that the White House engaged in a panic cover-up of shocking illegalities, but they want you to think Bill and Hillary are simply innocent victims of mean-spirited conservatives. Beltway pundits know very well that the GOP is not trying to take money from the middle class to finance tax breaks for the rich, but they want you to believe that's what evil Republicans are up to. In other words, it's all socialistic lies. Democratic lies. Lies, lies, lies. Supported and propagated by a liberal left-wing news media.

Setting the record straight

I JUST listened to the State of the Union speech by our president. It was wonderful, as usual. I feel compelled to call in regarding Bill Fritz from the Republican Party. What he's saying is an out-and-out lie about David Letterman having to wait for heart surgery under the Canadian plan. It's simply not true. There is a wait if you have elective surgery, this is correct. But not if it's an emergency. I don't know why they continue to lie about this plan. I'm for it.

Everyone wants to spend

I HAVE a brief summary of the president's state of the union message: He has some grandiose ideas for spending my money. Republicans respond. So do they.

He had his chance

CLINTON LISTED over two hours of programs that are needed from soup to nuts. He's been in there for seven years, so why haven't these programs been done? Lip service doesn't get results. It's reason for skepticism when everything to everyone is promised and seven years didn't accomplish it.

Support for ethanol

THERE WAS a Speak Out that asked what the facts are on ethanol. Ethanol is a great product. It's made in the United States instead of using imported oil, so it helps our country's economy. It's made from corn usually, which also helps the agricultural economy, which is important to this area. Ethanol has plenty of power. It's used in lots of race cars, so it has good performance. It can be used in any modern cars built in the last 15 years or so with no modifications. You just pour it in. Ethanol increases the octane of gasoline and is also included in premium gasoline. If you've been buying premium gas, you may have already been buying ethanol. Ethanol is good for the environment because it reduces pollution. If you get a chance, support ethanol. And by the way, there is talk of building an ethanol plant in East Prairie to take local corn and turn it into ethanol. I think this is good for our country's economy, it's good for the environment. It's good for your car. Buy it.

Color this picture

TO CITIZENS of Cape Girardeau: We have all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, we need a picture to figure out this situation. Please get your crayons, paper and pencil. First, just use your pencil and draw the school board diligently trying to stretch its resources to build a new high school to replace 45-year-old Central High. Next, draw the city council giving away over $8 million for a $36 million performing arts center for the state supported college. Now, let's look at our crayons and decide how to color this picture. Oops, we only need one color, but we don't seem to have it. Does anyone have a crayon which is the color "Goofy"? We don't mean the dog.

Flag puts down blacks

IN REGARD to the Confederate flag being flown above the South Carolina statehouse, what people need to realize is that the flag hasn't flown there since the Civil War. It's only flown there since the 1960s. It was placed there in the 1960s because the black population had begun to make some advances, and it was the politicians' response to these advances brought on by the NAACP and groups like that which brought this flag over the capital in the first place. So while it doesn't entirely represent slavery, and the flag does have some history, its placement over the capital itself was indeed an attempt to put down the black man. I hate to break this to you redneck callers, but I'm a white guy.

You don't have to buy it

THE MANAGER of the Show Me Center said in a Missourian article that Coke sold 3 to 1 over Pepsi. Apparently we don't care what the consumer wants, we just want the money. I'm not a soda drinker, but it would serve both parties right if nobody bought any soda at all at the Show Me Center.

Don't call him a slimeball

I WATCHED Mr. Clinton give his State of the Union speech. How many times he said "I did this." "My administration did that." He bragged on Hillary. How many times they talked about helping the children. How many children were aborted while she and her husband were so-called helping the children? But if you mention Mr. Clinton's sex scandal, you're hateful and it's in bad taste. It's OK to be a slimeball, but it's unthinkable to mention the fact. It's the code of the liberal press, I guess.

Biting the feeding hand

I SEE another plant is closing. I used to wonder why and blame it on the company. Now I realize, after working in a factory, that a union can also cause a plant to close. Why do they bite the hand that feeds them?

Disgraceful pledge

I SAW on TV the other night where Al Gore stood in for his daughter on MTV. He got up and told these kids if they didn't want to lose their right to choose, they needed to vote for him. He was talking about abortion. I think that's absolutely disgraceful. Anybody who votes for Al Gore and the Democratic Party needs to find out what that party really stands for.

Bring back Hoover

I'M AN old-fashioned conservative Herbert Hoover Republican. I think Social Security should be abolished. Why should the taxpayers have to pay for other people getting old? If they don't save enough money when they're young, that's their fault, not my problem. And as for those without health care, if they would do without a lot of their luxuries like cable TV, ordering pizzas and having two cars in their family, they could afford health insurance. Why should I pay for their health care because they're down on their luck? And your employer has the right to fire you at will if he has a cousin or son that wants your job. It's his business, and he should have the right to do so. And any person who can't afford 50 percent down shouldn't own a home. Herbert Hoover had the right idea. The American man is too proud. He'd rather sell apples. I think we should get back to the good old Hoover days, and it'll be wonderful. The wealthy can squander their money, and the people who are down on their luck are on their own.

Questions in Chaffee

I HAVE some questions concerning the Chaffee school bond issue. Some of the members of the Chaffee school board have made it clear that they don't have the best interest of the district in mind. The last board meeting, we wanted some direct and truthful answers to our questions, but they didn't have time to address them. We'd also like to know what has happened to the more than $1 million in surplus money that we had in our district about three years ago. And why is it, a few months ago, the superintendent was referring to our senior citizens by the color of their hair? And now that he needs their vote to pass the bond issue, his attitude has changed. We'd also like to know how his secretary can get a $2,000-per-year raise over the last three years when she's now making more than some of the teachers. We just hope that everyone else in the district can see through this before it's too late for all of us.

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Improve what works

AFTER THE State of the Union speech, the Republicans, in their usual manner, tried to deride the Canadian health-care system and looked like a tool of the medical industry in doing it. As anyone who's honestly knows, the Canadian people only pay about two-thirds as much of the GDP to the medical industries as we do in this country. Their life spans, in a climate that is harsher than most of the U.S., is three years longer than U.S. citizens. We have something to learn from them, and there's no good reason for us to buy the medical industry line in this country. Instead, we should copy what is good from the Canadian system and improve on it. Until we live as long as the Canadians, we shouldn't be so snide, sarcastic and smug.

Plain words on religion

THANK YOU for the comment on religious differences by a Lutheran layman. It was a beautiful witness and testimony of our Missouri Synod Lutheran stand on the ELCA agreement and altar exchanges with other denominations. It was straight to the point, plain and 100 percent scriptural, as God demands our pastors, teachers, elders and parents to teach and lead us by their example. God forbid that our pastor and teachers should ever choose words to make us feel good. As a friend so ably said, I want to hear both law and gospel. If every church body and their leaders would faithfully follow the Ten Commandments, it would bring us closer together as brothers and sisters and the whole body of Christ. But only then will we be united.

Pay was $3 a week then

I WAS reading an article in the paper about the old generation, why they can't take care of themselves, where their money has gone. But did they ever think for a minute we worked for 10 cents an hour and 25 cents an hour? When I had to quit work to have my baby in 1938, I was only making $3 a week. So please tell me where they think we're going to get our money. I'm going over 80 years old, and I'm living on $700 a month. I try to pay my gas bill, my electric bill and buy all my medicine which sometimes costs me $125, besides my groceries, out of $700 a month. I'd like to see them live off of that. I know they're making good money today. If I'd been making the money that they're making today, I grant you I'd have money in the bank.

Try working together

WHY ARE people putting down each others' religion? Jesus came to save us all. The Bible says, "There shall be one flock and one shepherd." All Christians should work together and not be divided over the small things. Jesus said, love the Lord thy God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind. And your neighbor as yourself. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone did that.

Lexington is truck route

WHEN LEXINGTON Street was being put through, the city council assured the residents of this area that truck traffic would not be used on this street. Over the last couple of years, I've noticed occasional truck traffic on the street and figured that they were just lost. But the last two weeks it's become real evident that it's turning into a normal night route for truck drivers. At around 5 to 6 a.m. the last two weeks, I've noticed seven trucks on different days using this route to get to Highway 177 or over to the bridge. Who knows where they're going for sure. But when is the city council going to enforce what they said, that this would be a no-truck route?

Good deed for neighbors

THREE CHEERS for the Jordan children on Jane Drive. They were out during the snow shoveling walkways and driveways for senior citizens on the street and refused to take any money. It was their good deed for their neighbors. Thank you.

Ignoring what we want

CONGRATULATIONS, SEMO board of regents, for going against the wishes of the public that they polled. Three to one wanted Coke products. What was the point of the poll if they were going to do the opposite of what the people wanted? This only tells me that they had made up their minds already. Forget the results of the polls. Show me the money.

Pay for everyone

I WANT to comment to the Republican who said he was disappointed in the Republicans about health care. I agree with him too. I agree that we need health care in this country. What I think, though, is that we don't want to go off on the wrong traffic and get a system like these other countries. Most Democrats want socialized medicine so they can control you. Remember what the Democrats do. They want to control your very life. When someone gives you something, usually they control you. Here's what I think they should do about health care: since we pay for government employees, why don't they have just one system and let you pick who you want to go to for your system. And the government would pay for the people who are uninsured like me. I have to pay for the government employees to have health insurance, and that hasn't broke the country. Why not give that to everyone?

Thanks for snow removal

WHAT A wonderful neighbor we have living in Bent Creek area. During the snowstorm, he with his tractor cleaned off the snow off the driveways on both sides of the street. How lucky can we get? Thank you very much. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.

Catholic is offended

I'M CALLING in response to the Lutheran who called in about religious differences. He claimed that the Catholics have it all wrong on several points. I am a Catholic and was offended by this. For one thing, we do not recognize the authority of the pope as infallible at all times, only when he is speaking ex cathedra, and the pope has done this only twice in the past 50 years. Furthermore, during the high Mass, when the priest addresses prayers to the saints, he is not worshipping the saints. He is asking the saints to intercede for us to God. We also believe in the Holy Scripture and reconciling the differences between the faiths. But this cannot happen as long as such ignorance abounds.

Gee, the editor is rich!

ONE OF David Limbaugh's sarcastic, whining columns that is printed in this little Republican rag every week says Gore has learned from the master how to turn accusations into victimhood. Right, David. Where have you learned your whining from? Where have you learned your basic attitudes that you're always throwing at other people? From your cousin Rush Limbaugh. He hates all women, all poor people, everybody but high-class rich Republicans like himself, like David Limbaugh and like the editor of this paper. Yes, tell us more, David Limbaugh.

Thanks to guardian angel

I WANT to thank the Lord for all of his guardian angels here on Earth. Especially the special one on Holland Drive around the time the newspaper comes and the mail runs.

Who's the hypocrite?

PEOPLE SHOULD take pride in honoring the accomplishments of their ancestors. Nonetheless, the Confederate flag is full of allegories. I find neither truth nor passion when only the racist white citizens display Confederate flags in the windows of their homes, the grills of semi-trailer trucks and on the flagpole in their yard for all to see. We are taught to look beneath the surface to learn the true meaning. I agree hate and racism will always be remembered when parents teach their children to continue that tradition. Now, who's the hypocrite?

Look on the inside

CONCERNING THE remarks about Hedy Lamarr and her beauty, I too agree that outer beauty is all that matters today. Don't get caught in that trap, ladies. I could have fallen for that a few years back until the good Lord got a hold of me and I became a born-again Christian. I know the Lord created all the beauty there is in the world, and it has nothing to do with outward appearances. It's what's on the inside that counts. So remind yourself like I do daily that my beauty is in the Lord, and my beauty is on the inside.

Democratic competition

I FIND it rather amusing that both the Democrat candidates for president, Mr. Bradley and Mr. Gore, have tried to outspend one another with promised programs. They have tried to out-liberal one another in every way imaginable. Now they're arguing about who has the most gay delegates. The two candidates are now trying to out-homosexual one another.

Listen to the music

I'D LIKE to comment on the Speak Out item "Ruining the morals of our youth." This person protesting Def Leppard is obviously someone who does not like metal, who has probably never been to a Def Leppard concert or listened to one of their albums. In other words, they do not know what they're talking about. I may be just a juvenile, but when I listen to Def Leppard, I don't do drugs or other delinquent things. My parents, who are not stupid, have taught me the difference between what someone does on stage and in real life. The person who says I will soon be in juvenile hall for listening to Def Leppard is obviously close-minded and ignorant. Get a clue on how teen-agers really think.

Angel at gas station

I DISCOVERED there are angels in Cape Girardeau, which is good news to a skeptical transplanted Texan. We met our angel of mercy at a small gas station on U.S. 61 north of Cape going to Jackson. After fueling up, we went inside to pay. To our shock, we discovered the station didn't take Visa, which is all we had. Our angel, Mr. C.W. of Cape, paid for our gas. Thank you so very much, and may God bless you and yours a hundredfold over.

More medical woes

THE MAN who took his wife to a specialist and had the doctor spend 15 minutes with her would really be upset if he'd had my experience with a local specialist. I timed how long the doctor was in the room with me on two visits. The total time was 3 minutes and 12 seconds. In other words, 96 seconds per visit. A few weeks ago, an author being interviewed on TV said because of the experiences like ours there is a groundswell movement to have medical services be treated as a public utility and the prices controlled on these doctors who think M.D. stands for medical deity. It is time for a change.

Cheers to Leopold

I WOULD Like to congratulate the Leopold school district in Bollinger County for being one of the top 10 school districts in the state on academic achievement on the MAP assessment. The students, teachers and parents of that community have a lot to be proud of. Way to go, Leopold.

Put the children first

THIS IS to all the people in Scott County who are opposed to the Kelly bond issue. Have you been over there lately? You can't see the front of the elementary school for the large double-wide trailer. No parking in front of school. Have you seen all the trailers wedged in between the buildings in the back of the school? I suggest you go over to Kelly and spend an hour and see how crowded it is in the halls, the classrooms, the lunchroom. I'm a widow on a fixed income, but I will vote for it. The politicians want a new jail built and they want improvements to the courthouse, but I feel our children are the most valuable asset we have and should come first before the criminals and the people at the courthouse. What does Kelly school district do? Do they keep adding more and more trailers? Send some of the kids to other schools who have problems too? Something has to be done. I know money is tight, but couldn't we sacrifice a little for our children? I know the bulk of the taxes would come from farmland, because Scott County doesn't have much industry. But we have to do something. Anybody out there got any suggestions?

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