Town & Country FCE
The Town and Country FCE club met March 13 at the home of Sue Jones.
The clubs International Dinner on Costa Rica was held with members bringing a covered dish from that country. Mary Klaproth and Jones were in charge of the arrangements for the dinner. Jones compiled recipe booklets for club members to take home.
A short business meeting opened after the international meal with Klaproth presiding.
Jones gave the roll call with nine members in attendance. She also read the minutes from the February club meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
Linda Thompson gave the treasurer's report and collected pennies for Rural Women in Action. The treasury report was approved as read.
Members traveled to Park-Et restaurant in Perryville on Feb. 22 for National Cherry Pie Day. Bingo prizes were delivered to The Lutheran Home on Feb. 27 by Brenda Pender, Shirley Heise and Klaproth.
Members from County FCE clubs met March 4 at the University of Missouri Extension Center in Jackson to assemble weighted blankets. They assembled 11 blankets and 33 lap pads. Fabric for the project is needed. The blankets and lap pads will be donated to the Autism Center in Cape Girardeau.
The club sponsored a St. Patrick’s Day party at Parkview State School on Monday, March 17. Members provided baked items and drinks. Prairie Farms donated ice cream cups picked up by Klaproth.
It was announced by the president that All Club’s Day will be held at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, March 27, at the University of Missouri Extension Center in Jackson with registration and breakfast items served for refreshments. The business meeting will begin at 10 a.m. Kage Club members are in charge of arrangements for the meeting. Members attending are to bring a covered dish for the noon meal and Kage Club will furnish a meat dish. All members are to bring items for a silent auction.
The Spring District meeting will be hosted by Cape County club members Tuesday, April 29, at the extension center in Jackson. Final plans will be announced at a later date.
Klaproth has signed up for 10% Tuesday at Rosati’s Pizza in Cape Girardeau on Tuesday, June 17. Proceeds will benefit the club treasury with the money going to sponsor community projects.
Jones presented a YouTube video titled “The Ten Best Places to Visit in Costa Rica” for the program.
Club out will be held Saturday, March 29, at Fuel Bar & Taco in Jackson. Members are to meet at the restaurant at 11:30 a.m.
The next meeting will be hosted by Judy Niswonger at 10:45 a.m. Thursday, April 10, at the Senior Center in Cape Girardeau. Thompson will give the program on food security. Members are to bring candy for Easter treat sacks and two to four books for newborns.
Kage FCE
The Kage Family and Community Education Club met March 13 at the Cape Girardeau Senior Center.
The meeting was called to order by President Sarah Ross.
Ross read a thank-you note from the Cape Girardeau Health Department for the club's donation of gloves, hats and scarfs.
Jo Dixon and Ross attended the county's autism blanket workshop at the University of Missouri Extension Center in Jackson. There is a need for fabric to use as stuffing for the blankets. The group can use old sheets, pillowcases, etc., that can be used for strips. They cannot use bulky items that will bunch up.
The club worked on assembling items for the All Club's Day, which will be held Thursday, March 27, at the Extension Center lower level. Kage Club will host the meeting.
The club's service project this month is SEMOPets. Members collected food and bedding. Next month the club's service project will be the Cape Girardeau Senior Center.
The program this month was on chronic pain. Common forms of chronic pain are headaches/migraines, arthritis, back pain and cancer. Relief may include exercise, reaching out to friends, acceptance and aids to relaxation. There are some new breakthroughs in technical products such as spinal cord stimulation that helps control pain.
The program for next month will be musical therapy and will be presented by Shirley Palen.
The Spring District meeting is Tuesday, April 29, at the extension center and will be hosted by Cape Girardeau County.
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