FaithJune 8, 2024
Discover the transformative power of positive speech. Learn five compelling reasons why choosing life-giving words can uplift your spirit and positively impact those around you, based on biblical wisdom.
Rob Hurtgen
Rob Hurtgen

I’ve been secretly conducting an experiment to measure the impact of my words, their tone and their delivery upon myself and those around me. My theory, based upon the Bible, is that by consciously using life-giving words and tones, both my demeanor and those around me will be impacted positively.

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” The tongue, which is small, can, like a rudder, set the course of large things (James 1:4 – 5). Gracious words are sweet (Proverbs 16:24.) We do not realize our speech has power upon us and others. Here are a few reasons to consciously speak in a life-giving way.

Words are like fuel. What you say and how you say it will either fill you up or drain you. “Just getting by", “Doing all right" and “at least I’m above ground” are words that drain. These draining words foster the idea that you are struggling, just getting by, and death would be worse, but not by much. Nothing life-giving comes from this type of vocabulary. Your words will either fuel a sense of death or life.

People, including you, matter too much to not be life-giving in your speech. You matter too much to reinforce the idea that things are “better than you deserve". God tells us that there is life, sweetness, and healing to the bones in the words we use. Consciously using life-giving speech can give life, influence great movements, and set the course for greatness or destruction.

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Life is too short not to be life-giving. I’m conducting a memorial service for a man who had a mental health condition. When he was in one of his many low cycles, he would lash out at everyone who came across his path. Finally, people stopped crossing his path.

He wanted friendships and was incredibly generous with his time and few resources. But his cutting words, which may have been beyond his control, isolated him from others.

Your life is too short not to consciously choose how you speak and what you say. God’s goodness has given us the wisdom to know that death and life reside in the tongue. Your words can be life-giving or lethal. I’ve become more aware of what I say and how I speak. This one habit has made a tremendous difference in my life. I think intentionally choosing your words will also make an incredible difference in your life.

Robert Hurtgen is a husband, father, minister and writer. Read more of him at

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